I HAVE TO CHOOSE THE EXPLOITATION, EVERYTHING IS PRESENTED: Elvin Kadrić has discovered what separates them! | Stars


Elvin Kadrić found out what he was feeling about the most obvious emotions between him and Izabela Alijoski, commenting on his allegations that she would still be only a friend and if they say she uses it.

Public rijalita wants to know what you think of Izabela Alioski. Do not you express your emotions differently or do you do it for rijalitija?

– I'm careful, all life, everything I learned – I learned from girls. I do everything for myself and of course, my partner is nice too. What I do not want myself, I do not want anyone. Of course, the experience has taught me to take some one so I can then reveal my emotions.

Izabela said that she could be just a friend with you. Does not it bother you that he does not want to be with you here and even after the rialties?

– We are not friends in reality. She is bored of it, but I am friendly with her company. We are all tempted.

photo: Happy screen capture

Do not you mind that other competitors consider that Izabela uses you for rialitia?

– Whatever she thinks of her and her competitors – "I agree". And exploit it and that 's good, because we had a public duel where I prepared it and that I was always ready.

Nikola Lakic often comments on Izabelin and your relationship. Do you think he's jealous of your relationship since Isabella and he were tied the previous season?

– He can only comment on himself while he's looking here. She is kind, she just needed to work.

photo: screen printing / happy

Kurir.rs/Happy, Photo: Printscreen / Happy


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