I just arrived at Marakan, and I already know all of Delija's songs! He cursed with all his voice before Severus! (VIDEO) | sport


  Red Star players glorify victory over Spartaks
Red Star players glorify Spartaks photo: Starsport ©

The Red Star footballers have bitten the nerves of their fans.

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But when they reached the first goal, they were quickly abandoned and entered the second qualifying round for the Champions League.

After the end of the game, a big party was created, and players have traditionally gone to the Tribune du Nord to celebrate the victory with the finest deadlines.

"m_id =" 399035 "src =" http://www.espreso.rs/data/images/2018/07/17/22/399035_milos-degenek-el-fardu-ben_ff.jpg?ver=1531862536 " />

Miloš Degenek and El Fard Ben Fans with Supporters "m_id =" 399035 "src =" http://www.espreso.rs/data/images/2018/07/17/22/399035_milos-degenek-el-fardu -ben_ff.jpg? ver = 1531862536 "/>
Miloš Degenek and El Fard Ben Fans with Supporters photo: Starsport ©

One of the most important in the celebration was the novice and newbie of this match, Milos. Degeny, who, although recently arrived, knew the text of each song.

It's not so strange that it came from Knin and that it was a small fan of Red-loved, but had to take a roundabout across Australia and Japan to make a choice to come to Marrakech.



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