If you are tired of life! Six obvious signs of lack of this vitamin! | Lifestyle


If you are tired of life! Six obvious signs of lack of this vitamin!

Illustration, photo: Shutterstock

Our body sends us clear signals when it is missing a vitamin. If you notice strange symptoms that have not occurred so far, be aware that your body indicates that it is missing a vitamin or mineral.

Vitamin D deficiency includes a feeling of tiredness and a bad mood, but there are some other symptoms that you should not neglect. This vitamin is very important for the proper functioning of our body and has a serious impact on our body if we do not have enough.

Inadequate vitamin D intake can lead to muscle weakness, fatigue and even psychological problems. Sometimes, it is difficult to identify cases of vitamin D deficiency because the symptoms are masked.

Below are some of the six symptoms that your body lacks in this precious vitamin.

1. bone fracture

If you often have broken bones, then you are missing vitamin D. Many think that this is due to a lack of calcium, which is responsible for bone health, which may be the case. However, the absorption of vitamin D is also insufficient or weak.

2. bad mood

If you do not get enough sun, it is possible that your production of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, is reduced. Serotonin is responsible for the regulation of mood.

3. Pain in bones and joints

Insufficient intake of vitamin D causes discomfort and pain in the bones and joints. It is most often seen in the knees and back. Those who do not consume enough of this vitamin risk osteoporosis and lower back pain.

4.Sweating of the head

Sweating of the scalp is another symptom of a deficiency in this important vitamin. If you sweat while your body temperature is good, you may need a little more vitamin D.

5. Fatigue and exhaustion

Fatigue is common in people with vitamin D deficiency, but the potential reason has often gone unnoticed. The feeling of long-term fatigue has a negative effect on the body.

6. Wound healing of wounds

If you have a sore after surgery or a slowly healing injury, ask yourself what level of vitamin D is in your body.

Vitamin D produces a crucial element for creating new skin as part of the healing process, writes Daily Star. It is also thought to have an effect on inflammatory processes as well as on participation in the fight against infections.



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