In technical terms everything is monitored, a lot of cars can not go Economy


The inspection of vehicles since July 5 is sharpened and a large number of cars can not overtake them, regardless of their age, technicians say that everything is littered and that the car must be completely technically correct [19659002] the vehicle is on July 5 a moment and a lot of cars can not pass it, no matter what the age, technicians say that everything is literally looked at and that the car has to be fully technically correct, but In the event that the car does not undergo a technical inspection, its owner has a period of three days to repair the malfunction so that it is not obliged to repeat any inspection technical. [19659004] Whether the defect or defect is removed within three days or later, the vehicle owner no longer has to pay for the technical inspection, said the Tanjug controller at the time. technical inspection at the Serbian Auto Union Milovan Marinkovic.

The average age of the car fleet in Serbia is about 16 years old, and the new vehicle inspection ordinance has started to apply from July 5th and on provides for more rigorous control.

Marinković says that in addition, the vehicle must be photographed (five images) and the duration of the inspection is much longer than before.

"The technical inspection of motorcycles, mopeds and trailers lasts 15 minutes, the passenger cars are half an hour and the cargo 45 minutes.A much more detailed technical overview, literally looked at everything about the vehicle, from Identification of the vehicle, braking and steering system, signaling system and exhaust, the appearance of the car. The car must be clean, it can not come more than the field, dirty and muddy. "

He also says that during the technical inspection at AMS Sa on Ruzveltova street two or three vehicles do not pass technically per day, and that on July 5, a very small percentage of vehicles aged 15 to 20 years did not succeed technically because they were well prepared

This shows that it is not the key age of the vehicle and that it 's safe. is more about driver negligence. READ: NO GLASS NO CHANNEL: What awaits us at technical inspection

"Bell trucks do not pass because of braking system, lack of equipment required and signaling (pillar lights, .a few reacts with dishonor, and someone who accepts it consciously.We had a case yesterday, a man came up with a vehicle convinced that it was not. he was right and even discussed with us that the vehicle could go on the road, and the car literally did not have the raw road or otherwise, the car was 1996, "said Marinković

] photo A. Stankovic

As he said, however, the critics are not yet so rigorous in terms of corrosion if it is small but not allowed there are corrosion holes on the edges, the sites and baskets.

In addition, small heights and stripes are permitted, but not cracked – if the s points can pass, but can not, if the crack exceeds five centimeters. The same can not pass a car with bald tires, and Marinkovic explains that each tire has a label that can be used, after which it is no longer safe to use.

Asked how he commented that citizens often criticize The technical inspections have become so rigorous that not all new cars could pass, Marinkovic points out that even a new car can not pass a technical inspection if it is not not correct and that there is not much to say

is auto is [19659209] photo A.Stanković

Adds that drivers are in principle prepared rather than before: with new tires, wipes on the towels, the necessary equipment in the vehicle, they have the first help for which the time has not expired, they have bulbs, vests, bulbs and reflective vests, and others.

The Agency for Transportation Safety warned drivers that they're rebuilding their vehicles must have the proper belief. the owner who recharges his vehicle, installs gas, hooks, puts the foil, he must present a registration certificate for registration.

AMS performs twice a year the correct vehicle of action – safe vehicle on more than 200 lines in Serbia and these controls will account for 30 to 40% of defective vehicles, although they are responsible drivers who check the accuracy of their vehicles.

The technical inspection was formerly between 1,200 and 1,500 dinars and from July 5, about 3,000 dinars.

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