IN THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF KIKINDI: Deprived of their freedom for suspecting that they had brought hazardous waste to Serbia (PHOTO) | Chronic


Online News |

04 July 2018 15:54 |

Kikinda police arrested the Požarevac (43) and GK (52) of Belgrade on the Kikinda Public Prosecutor's Office because of the suspicions that they had committed the crimes pollution of & # 39; environment [19659003Selonl'ordonnanceduparquetdeKikindalapolicedeKikindaaarrêtéunBM(43)dePožarevacetGK(52)deBelgradepouravoirsoupçonnéqu'ilsavaientcommisdescrimesdepollutionintroduitdessubstancesdangereusesenSerbieetprocédénonautoriséIlssontsoupçonnésd'êtreresponsablesdustockageetdel'éliminationillégauxdesubstancesdangereusesàplusieursendroitsdeladéchargerégionaledeKikindaentantqueresponsablesdelasociétéECOdelaFCCselonuncommuniquédelapolice

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suspects have been detained for up to 48 hours and will not be presented to the Attorney General's office in Kikinda.

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