In the end, Sergei becomes the most paid in the new era?


The times become smaller, Sergei will appear on the preparations for Lazio,
waiting for the offer.

If there are any left, Lotito will double his salary and extend the contract to
2023. Of course, this does not mean that five years will remain in Lazio, but

With an income of three million euros a year, it would become
the most paid player in the new era Lazio since Lotito took over
It was an outrageous Roman club almost 15 years ago.

This is an option, the other is Juventus. Namely, if indeed, how
history, Falji Ramadani makes the departure of Miralem Pjanic for 100
million euros in Manchester City, Juventus would try to get in
Pogoo, which is an impossible mission, then came back again for
a bargaining table with Lotit

Keegan still waiting for Real and Paris Saint-Germain, as we
said, if next week, or within ten days, it will not be done
offer, Lazio will not leave the Serbian because Inzaghi begins to play
team for the season.

We enter the decisive days, but if the Romans insist on
It costs 150 million, clearly, nobody right now
pay …

Although, after the sale of Felipe Anderson West Ham, Lazali and they do not have it
under pressure to sell our player …

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