Infrastructure damaged after the storm in Kosjeric


A large amount of rain caused flooding in the center of the city, flooding in the sewers and many cellars were flooded, reports RTS correspondent

. Cyclists were killed by crops and rural road infrastructure, where ten thousand tons of aggregates and land were built in recent months.

Although heavy rains were scattered for a short time, no floods caused significant damage in 2014.

This time, torrential steam currents At one point, they were leaking . The teams are on the ground, it's done to clean up and repair the damaged road infrastructure, and the municipal commissions will assess the damage in the coming days.

"The torrents were a complete chaos in a short time and in Brajković and Galovići the water took the roads that we had repaired for two months." The great effort has disappeared in a short time, not to mention the material costs. "Voice of Western Serbia Žarko Đokić, Mayor of the Municipality

Kosjerić is only one of the municipalities which has been affected by the nuisances of the last days torrential currents have caused enormous damage to Ivanjica, where the state of emergency was declared

According to the announcements of the meteorologist, tomorrow will be in western Serbia , as well as in Sumadija, Pomoravlje, south-west Serbia and Kosovo Metohija is an orange weather alarm.

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