Interview: Dusko Tošić …


Interview: Totally open Dusko Tošić …

Against Brazil it was supposed to play Bane and me, we have even more trouble falling when we see how Croatia pays! "We just know that the players we know are tough, they all blame them when they say that we are not doing enough to make enough," Orlov said …

Serbian player Dusko Tošić opened his soul by talking to Kurir, where he said he was saying everything he said and those he needed, and he said that he feared no consequence because everyone has the right

Tošić was touched by many details of the Tommy, the performance of the team itself, the painful match with Switzerland, and matchmaking with Brazil, which he says, at least in the last line, should be different, I do not have the responsibility to say anything, I'm not one of those who will say I can not, I do not have the time, etc. Our first goal before the road to Russia was to go to the group.We did not have ussi ", said Tosic to Kurir

What were the real fields of Orlova on Mundial?" We were close to the eighth final and we are going to yearn for this chance because we complained after Africa from South. Looking at the quality of each player, the clubs we play in, the teams we had as a last group, we had to be. "

What was the atmosphere in the representation of the team?

" The atmosphere was correct. There were no major disagreements and quarrels when we were together for a month. "

How did you play a video against Switzerland, which was crucial for later placement?

" If we could not win, we had to save the unfinished result. We are naive. Many disrupted the uninterrupted result between Brazil and Switzerland. The score they won was not expected. "

It was enough to talk about Tošić's duel with Shakira, that is, the Serbian defender had to hit him before he could score a goal."

she talked about it. Simply, whoever looks at football, who is in football, is unacceptable to be alone in the middle of the field. I thought Bleki (Nikola Milenković, RN) would have this dog. I was surprised that the ball passed, I went running with him, I thought at the last moment to force him to block the shot. Unfortunately, I did not succeed. Maybe I could break it at 16-18 yards to get the red and get a free kick. It's easy to talk now, it was difficult to make a decision on the ground. Now, I'm not looking for justification, I had to stop nude. I am a culprit and bear responsibility.

After the match with Switzerland, there was no sleep

"For our players it was a lot to lose defeat, we stayed until half past six We could not reconcile that we were lost, especially since the Serbian people had expected victory for several reasons. "

How did he meet the meeting that Captain Aleksander Kolarov had summoned? after defeat, beheaded, deceitful, disappointed. It was a very ordinary meeting as in all teams. We wondered where we were wrong, why we lost. We alone know that we are hard. We have achieved a lot of success in the clubs, and Serbia is something special. They blame them all when they say we are not trying, not enough to beat us.

When did you learn that you would not start a game against Brazil?

"Before Brazil, I did not know that I would not play, and the coach did not say anything, it is he who chooses the team responsible for the responsibility, won or lost.I am not Ramos, so I am a guaranteed spot in the team.I've been disappointed, like all players when he does not play, it's natural. "

Is it bad for you and Miljanovic and Veljkovic to benefit you and Ivanovic, young players without experience?

"I adore Veljkovic and Milenkovic.They are the future of our football, they are good, they have worked fairly and fought for the place like all players.C & # 39; is my opinion that we should play Bane and I. I do not know if we should win, but we certainly have millions of such games in our legs and we know how to do with the Brazilians. "[19659005] Dusko Tošić is not afraid of any controversy. those who need it, I am not afraid of the consequences, everyone has the right to their opinion. I have never sold and received the benefit of the performance. I'm so scared of the team, because I do not like it and I will never do it. I do not care what anyone will say after that, but again, that's my opinion. "

" I have already said, if I need Serbia they think that I can help, I am here! I do not think time has passed with some players. Look at the other teams. Ignaševic is 38, he finished fourth and was one of the best, Pepe and Fonte have 36, Silva and Miranda 34. Players must choose what they can do, not for years. All in all, we stay in the end, we could and have not, and that will keep us until the end of life, "concluded Tošić

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