Interview with Nikola Tesla hidden for 116 years


Until his death, Tesla had about 700 patents, and one of his interviews, allegedly hidden for 116 years, which he gave to the magazine "Immortality" in 1899, was reported Ancient Code. You will have trouble reading what is smarter in life …

Mr. Tesla, you have earned the glory of a man who embarked on cosmic processes.

That's a real question, I'll try to give you the right answer.

You say that you come from Croatia, from a part called Lika, a rocky place where people plant trees and look at the starry sky? [19659003C'isRealJesuisfierdemesracinesserbes

Futurists say that the 20th and 21st centuries were born in your head, celebrating the magnetic field of craftsmanship and singing hymns to induction motors. Their creator is called a hunter who caught light from the depths of the earth, and a warrior who captured fire from heaven.

I am a defeated man. I did not accomplish the best I could

What is it, Mr. Tesla?

I wanted to highlight all the earth. It has enough electricity to become the other Sun. The light would shine around the equator, like a ring around Saturn. The human race has not matured for big and good. In Colorado Springs, I powered the Earth into electricity. We can also feed on other energies, such as positive psychic energies. They are in the music of Baha or Mozart, or in verse with a great poet. In the interior of the Earth there are energies of good mood, peace and love; their expressions are a flower that grows from the land, the food we get from it and all that it does to the homeland of man …

I've spent years at look for a way that energies could affect people. The beauty and smell of the rose can be considered a medicine, and the sun's rays as food. Life has an infinite number of forms, and the duty of a scientist is to find them in all forms of matter. Three things are important in this regard. All I do is search for them. I know I will not find them, but I will not give them up.

What are these things?

One question is food. What star or terrestrial energy do you feed the hungry on Earth? What wine must any thirsty drink, so that his heart be happy and that he be a god?

Another thing is: how to destroy the energy of evil and suffering in which the life of the man passes? They sometimes appear as epidemics from the depths of the universe; In this century, these diseases are spreading from Earth to the universe.

The third thing is: is there unnecessary light in the universe? I discovered a star that, in all astronomical and mathematical laws, can disappear without changing anything in appearance. This star is in this galaxy. Its light can be reached up to such a density to fit in a ball smaller than the apple, and heavier than the solar system. Religion and philosophy teach that man can become Christ, Buddha and Zaratustra. What I'm looking for is crazy, bigger and even more impossible. That's what I have to do in the universe, every man is born like Christ, Buddha and Zaratoustra

I know that gravity is in favor of everything that needs to fly and my intention is not to. is not to make a flying device. On its own … In addition, I try to awaken the energies that are in the void. Vacuums are the biggest sources of energy; What is considered a void is only the manifestation of an inaccessible material. There is no void on Earth, nor in space.

The pigeons must be driven to the window of your room at the hotel Valdorf-Astoria, on the thirtieth floor.

The man must be sentimental about birds. It's because of their wings. And he had them once, just and visible!

You have not stopped flying since those long days in Smiljan!

I wanted to leave the roof and I fell, miserable calculations of children. Do not forget, young man, wings are in your life!

You are never married, nobody knows your love for a woman. Photos of young people show you an exceptionally handsome man.

I did not do it. There are two ways: a lot or no sex. The medium serves the restoration of the human race. Too much sex with some people nourishes and strengthens vitality and spirit. The suspension of sex does the same for others. I chose this second time.

Your fans complain that you are attacking the theory of relativity. Strange is your claim that the material does not have energy. Everything is under tension

At first, there was energy, then matter

M. Tesla, it's like saying that you gave birth to your father, not to you.

This is exactly the point with the birth of the universe. The substance is created from the original and eternal energy that we know as light. It shone and the stars, the planets, the man and everything on Earth and in the universe appeared. The substance is the expression of the infinite forms of light; therefore, the energy is older than that. There are four laws of creation. The first is that the source of everything is in the Nepojamno, a black particle that the mind can not imagine, nor mathematics to measure; the entire universe is in this particle. The second law is the propagation of darkness, which is the true nature of light, the Nephew, and its transformation into light. The third law is the need for light to become material. The fourth law says: There is no beginning nor end; the three preceding laws always last, and creation is eternal.

In hostility to the theory of relativity, you go so far as to hold conferences against its creator at your birthday celebrations

Remember not a curved space. l & # 39; eternity! If it was clear to the creator of relativity, he would have won immortality, even if he was physically loved by him.

I'm part of the light, and that's music. the light fills my six senses: I see, I hear, I feel, I feel, I feel and I feel. She thinks of my sixth sense. Light particles are printed notes. A flash can be an entire sonata. The lightning of thunder is a concert. For this concert, I created a ball flash that is heard on the ice peaks of the Himalayas.

About Pythagoras and mathematics, and the scientist can not and should not be wronged. Numbers are signs that mark the music of the sphere. If Einstein had heard his sounds, she would not create a theory of relativity. These sounds are a message to the mind that life makes sense, that in the universe there is perfect harmony, and that beauty is the cause and consequence of Creation. This music is an eternal circle of starry heavens. The smallest of the stars is a completed composition and at the same time a part of the celestial symphony. The sounds of a man's heart are part of this symphony on Earth. Newton learned that the secret lies in the proper geometric arrangement and movement of celestial bodies. He realized that balance is the supreme law in the universe. The curved space is chaos; chaos is not music. Einstein is the messenger of the era of noise and fury.

Mr. Tesla, do you hear this music?

I still hear it. My spiritual ear is as big as the sky we see above us. I've increased my physical ear with the radar. According to the theory of Relativity, two parallel lines will meet in infinity. This will make Einstein's fault the good one. Once created, the sound lasts forever. For the man, he can disappear, but he continues in silence, which is his greatest power. No, I have nothing against Mr. Einstein. He is a kind man and did some good things; something is going to be part of the music. I will write to him and I will try to explain that the ether exists, and that its particles are what keeps the universe in harmony and life in all eternity.

R write, please, what are the conditions for adapting one of the angels on Earth? I am ten years old.

I will write every word you have, dear Mr. Tesla.

The first condition is a great awareness of your mission and the work to be done. She must, even fuzzy, exist in her early youth. Do not be wrong; Oak knows it's oak, and the bush next to it is a bush. As a twelve year old boy, I was sure I would come to Niagara Falls. For most of my discoveries, I even knew in my childhood that I would accomplish them, although not entirely clear … The second condition of adjustment is perseverance.

What is the third condition of adjustment, Mr. Tesla?

Leading all vital and spiritual energies to work. Hence the purification of many things and needs that a man has. I did not lose anything, but I got it. I have so many things that I rejoiced every day and every night. Write: Nikola Tesla was a lucky man … The fourth condition is to adjust the bodywork to work.

What do you mean, Mr. Tesla?

First of all, it is to maintain this circuit. The human body is the perfect machine. I know my circuit and what is good for him. Most people's food is harmful and dangerous to me. That's why I sometimes think that all the world's leaders are plotting against me … Touch my hand.

She is cold.

Yes. Blood circulation can be managed, as well as many processes in and around us.

It's the story that Mark Twain wrote the "Mysterious Stranger", this wonderful book about Satan, inspired by you.

The word "Lucifer" is my dear. Mr. Twain likes to joke. In childhood I was healed once while reading his books. When we met here and told him about it, he was so moved that he was crying. We became friends and often came to my laboratory. Once, he asked me to show him a machine that caused a feeling of happiness with vibrations. It was one of those entertainment invitations, which I have sometimes treated. I reminded Mr. Twain how much he could stay under these vibrations. He did not listen and stayed longer. He ended up being thrown into a room, like a rocket, clinging to the pants. It was devilish, but I kept it serious. Let's go back to the adjustment of the whole body. Beside food, sleep is very important. After a long and exhausting work, which required a superhuman effort, I recovered completely after an hour of sleep. I have acquired the ability to handle sleep, and I go to sleep and wake up in the time that I have set myself. If something is not clear to me in what I am doing, I force myself to think about it in a dream and find a solution.

The fifth condition of adjustment is memory. Perhaps most people's brains are the guardians of the knowledge of the world and the knowledge that they acquire in life. My brain deals with things more important than memory; he seeks for me what he needs at a certain moment. It's around us and we just need to take it. All we have seen, heard, read and learned to follow in the form of light particles. These particles are obedient and faithful to me. Faust of Goethe, my favorite book, I learned a little German as a student, and now I can recite everything. I had used to wear my inventions for years, "in the head", and only then did I realize them.

You often mention the power of visualization.

She may be able to thank her for all that I have created. The events of my life and my discoveries are real to me, visible as any phenomenon and object. In my youth, I was afraid of it, not knowing what it really was, but later I received this power as an extraordinary gift and fortune. I fed him and jealously kept him. By visualization, I made corrections in most inventions and then they did it. I solve complex complicated mathematical equations without printing numbers. In Tibet, I would have received the rank of High Lama because of this gift.

Yes, that's how it works. My vision and my hearing are perfect and, I can say freely, are stronger than others. I hear thunder in a hundred and fifty miles, and I see the colors in the sky that others do not see. I had this magnification of vision and hearing when I was a kid. Later, I deliberately developed it.

You have been seriously ill many times in your youth. Is the disease a condition of adjustment?

Yes. This is often a consequence of lack or depletion of vital force, but it is often also the purification of the mind and body of the poison that has accumulated . It is necessary that a person suffers from time to time. The source of most diseases is in the mind. This is why the mind can cure most diseases. As a schoolboy, I was fed up with a cholera that was rife in Lika. I recovered from the fact that my dad allowed me to enroll in a study of the technique, which represented my life. Perceptions for me are not sickness, but the ability of the mind to penetrate beyond the three earthly dimensions. I had them all my life, and I received them like all the other phenomena around me. Once, in my childhood, I walked with my uncle by the river and said: "The trout will appear from the water, I will throw a stone and I l 'l l l,,,,, take away. Frightened and astonished, his uncle cried out: "Baden recovers Satanas!" He was a learned man and he spoke Latin … I was in Paris when I saw the death of my mother. In the sky, full of light and music, beautiful creatures hovered. One of them had the character of a mother who was looking at me with infinite love.

What is the seventh adjustment, Mr. Tesla?

Knowing how to transform psychic and vital energies into what we want, and reach power over all feelings. Hindus call him Joga Kundalini. These skills can be learned, for which they need many years or are born. I had most of them by birth. They are the closest to the sexual energy, which is most prevalent in the universe after the light. The woman is the greatest thief of this energy, and therefore of spiritual power. I always knew this and kept myself safe. I created what I wanted: a mental and spiritual machine.

And the ninth adjustment, Mr. Tesla?

Everything is done so that no one, no time, if possible, forgets who we are and why we are on Earth. Exceptional people struggling with disease, scarcity, or society are too prejudicial to their clumsiness, misunderstanding, persecution, and other hardships that the Earth wanders like bugs into the swamps, leaving unfinished business . There are many Fallen Angels on Earth.

What is the tenth adjustment?

It's the most important thing. Write that Mr. Tesla was playing. He played all his life and enjoyed it.

million. You're here! Does this apply to your discoveries and your work? Was it also a game?

Yes, my dear boy. I liked playing with electricity! I always get drunk when I hear about the Greek who stole fire. A terrible story about the sting and the eagles piercing it with the liver. Zeus did not have enough lightning and lightning, so he was damaged by a glow? There is a misunderstanding … Lightning is the most beautiful toy that can be found. Do not forget in your text to point out: Nikola Tesla was the first to create lightning

Mr. Tesla, you talked a little about Angels and their fit on Earth.

Am I? It's the same. You can also write this: he dared to take on himself the prerogatives of Indra, Zevs and Perun. Imagine one of those gods in a black evening dress, with half-cylinders and white gloves from New York's elite galleries, fires and earthquakes!

Our readers love humor. But you confused me with the statement that your discoveries, which are immensely good for people, represent the game. Many will disapprove of it.

Dear sir, the problem is that people are too serious. If that was not the case, they would be happier and live longer. The Chinese proverb says that severity shortens the century. Li Tai Pe visited the corset for a visit to the imperial court. But to frown newspaper readers, let's go back to the things that they think are important.

They would like to hear what your philosophy is.

Life is a rhythm that must be attained. I feel this rhythm and I run for it and I give it up. He is very grateful and he gave me the knowledge that I have. All that lives is connected with deep and wonderful connections: the man and the stars, the amoeba and the Sun, our heart and the infinite circle of worlds. These links are inseparable, but they can be tamed and empowered, so that we begin to create new and different relationships in the world without harming the old. The knowledge comes from the universe; our vision is its most perfect receiver. We have two eyes: earthly and spiritual. They should try to become an eye. The universe is alive in all its manifestations, as animals think. Stone is a thoughtful and sensual being, such as plants, beast and man. A star who wants to look at it, and we are not too jealous of ourselves, we would understand his language and his messages.

As you speak, it seems to me that I am listening to the Buddhist text, the words of the Taoist or the Parasulzus tract.

– It seems to you! This means that there is a general knowledge and a truth that man has always possessed. In my sense and my experience, in space there is only one substance and one supreme energy with an infinite number of manifestations of life. The most beautiful of all is that I discover a secret in nature, discover the others. They are not hiding, they are around us, but we are blind and deaf to them. If we are emotionally attached to them, they come to us. Apple is a lot, but one is Newton. He was looking for the exact apple that was falling in front of him.

The question that could have been asked at the beginning of this conversation. What is electricity for you, Honorable Mr. Tesla?

– Everything is electricity. At first, it is light, an infinite source from which matter develops and distributes in all forms that represent the universe and the earth with all its aspects of life. Black is the true face of light; what we do not see, it is an exceptional grace for man and other creatures. One of its particles has light energy, heat, nuclear, radiological, chemical, mechanical and hitherto unknown. Она има моћ која може покренути Земљу са њене петање. Она је истинска Архимедова полуга.

Господине Тесла, ви сте превише пристрани према електрицитету.

-Електрицитет сам ја сам. Или, ако хоћете, електрицитет у људском облику. То сте и ви, господине Смит, али тога нисте свесни

Је ли отуда ваша способност да кроз тело пропуштате електричну струју од милијун волти

-Замислите вртлара којег нападају биљке.; то би заиста било лудо. Човеково тело и мозак сачињени су од многих енергија; у мене је највише електрицитета. Енергија која је различита у свакога је оно што чини човеково "ја" или "душу". Код других створења то је њихова суштина; "Душа" биљке није "душа" минерала и животиње. Рад мозга и смрт се манифестирају светлошћу. Мч ч……………………………………………… Бело је небеска боја. Кроз мој прозор једног јутра је слетео голуб, којег сам хранио. Хтео је да ми јави да умире. Из његових очију излазили су млазеви светлости. Никада у очима неког створења нисам видео толико светлости, као у тог голуба.

Радници у вашем лабораторију причају о бљесковима светлости, пламеновима и муњама које се јављају ако сте гњевни или пред каквом опасношћу.

-То су психичка пражњења или опомене да се чувам. Светлост је увек била на мојој страни. Знате ли то ми је открио окретно магнетско поље и индукторски мотор, сто ме је прославило у двадесет и шестој години? Једне летне вечери, Будимпешти, проматрао сам са својим пријатељем Сигетијем залазак Сунца. Хиљаде ватри окретало се пламтећи хиљадама боја. Сетио сам се Фауста and рецитирао стихове из њега. И тада, као у магли, видио сам како се окреће магнетско поље и ради индукторски мотор. Видио сам их у Сунцу!

Хотелска послуга прича да се у вријеме грмљавине затварате у собу и разговарате сами са собом.

-Разговарам са муњама и громовима.

С њима? Do you have any questions about this product? У њему има речи и звукова, нарочито у поезији, који су погодни за то

Читаоци нашег листа били би вам врло захвални да то протумачите

-Звук не постоји једино у грому, већ и у муњи..; књ о…………………. Језик је од речи, што значи да је од звукова и боја. Сваки и муња су различити и имају своја имена. Ја неке од њих називам именима оних који су ми били блиски у животу, или по онима којима се дивим.

По вама, Наука и Поезија су исто?

-То су два ока једног лица. Вилијам Бользование последное поселение поселение поселение постојао и један човек. С м м м м м м м м м…………………….. Она је стваралачка енергија равна свјетлосној.

Машта је за вас стварнија од живота?

-Она рађа живот. Ј с…………………………………………. Одувек сам је његовао, као што сам његовао и свој занос. Цели свој дуги век провео сам у заносу. То је био извор моје среће. Он ми је помогао и да током свих ових година поднесем рад, који је био довољан за пет живота. Најбоље је радити ноћу, јер су звјездана светлост и мисли у блиској вези.

Рекли сте да сам и ја, као сваки створ, светлост. То ми ласка, али, признајем, није ми сасвим јасно.

Do you have any questions about the product or service? Признајем признајем

-Зашто и требало да вам буде јасно, господине Смит? Довољно је да поверујете у то. Све је светлост. У једном њеном зраку је судбина народа; сваки народ има свој зрак у оном великом светлосном извору који видимо као Сунце. И запамтите: ниједан човек који је постојао, није умро. Претворили постоје и даље. . Тајна је у томе да се те светлосне честице поврате у првобитно стање

То је васкрснуће

-Ја то радије називам: враћање у неку од претходних енергија. Христ и још неки знали су ту та ну. Ја сам трагао за тиме како да се очува људска енергија. Она је један од видова светлости, каткад равна врхунском небеском светлу. Нисам трагао за тиме ради себе, већ ради добра свих. Верујем да ће моја открића учинити људима живот лакшим и подношљивијим, и усмерити их на духовност и моралност.

Сматрате ли да се време може укинути?

-Не сасвим, јер прва особина енергије је да се преображава. Она је у вјечитим преображајима, као облаци таоиста. Али могуће је утицати у томе да човек очува свест и после земаљског живота. У сваком кутку свемира постоје енергије живота; једна од њих је и бесмртност чије порекло је изван човека и чека га. Свемир је духован; ми смо тек напола такви. Свемир је моралнији од нас; зато морамо спознати његову природу и свој живот ускладити са њиме. Ја нисам научник; Наука је можда најпогоднији начин да нађем одговор на питање које ме одувијек прогони, и које је моје дане и ноћи претворило у ватру.

Које је то питање?

-Како су вам очи засјале! … Оно што сам хтео сазнати ј::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? Звезда падне као прашина или семе по овом или по другим световима, а сунце се распе у наше мисли, у животе многих створења, у оно што ће се родити као нова светлост, или га свемирски ветар распрши по бескрају. Схваћам да је то неопходно и да је урачунато у устројство свемира. Ствар је, међутим, у томе да се једна од тих звијезда и једно од тих сунаца, макар и оно најмање, сачувају.

Али, господине Тесла, ви схваћате да је то неопходно и да је урачунато у устројство света!

–Када човеку постане јасно да је његов највиши циљ да трчи за звијездом падалицом и покуша да је ухвати, разумет ће да му је живот дан управо због тога и бит ће спашен. Звијезду ће на крају ухватити!

И што ће се онда догодити?

-Творац ће се насмејати и рећи: “Падала је само да би ти потрчао за њоме и ухватио је”.

Зар све то није у супротности са космичком боли, који тако често спомињете у својим списима? И што је то космичка бол?

–Нису супротности, јер смо на Земљи… То је болест о чијем постојању огромна већина људи није свесна. Отуда многе друге болести, патња, зло, беда, ратови и све оно због чега је људски живот апсурдна и страшна појава. Та болест се не може сасвим излечити, али свест о њој ће учинити да буде мање тешка и опасна. Кад год је неко од мени блиских и драгих људи био повређен, ја сам осећао физичку бол. То је зато што су наша тела од сличне грађе, а душе везане нераскидивим нитима. Несхватљива туга која нас понекад обузме, значи да је негде, на другом крају ове планете, умрло дете или племенит човек. Цели свемир је у извесним периодима болестан, од саме себе и од нас. Ишчезнуће неке звезде и појава комете утичу на нас више него што ми то слутимо. Везе међу створењима на Земљи су још јаче; због наших осећања и мисли цвет ће дивнији замирисати или утихнути. Те истине изнова морамо учити да бисмо се излечили. Лек је у нашем срцу и, исто тако, у срцу животиње коју називамо свемиром.



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