Iran accuses Trampa of rising oil prices


Iran told Trump that if a barrel of crude oil costs more than $ 100, he will be personally liable.

Oil will soon cost $ 100 a barrel because of supply disruptions caused by US President Donald Tramp, announced yesterday the Iranian governor of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEK), Hosein Kazempur Ardebili. He urged US allies, such as Saudi Arabia, to pump more oil if they want to prevent Washington from defending them against their first enemy – Iran, reports Reuters.

Iran, OPEC's third largest oil producer – and, under sanctions, the United States exports oil, which prompted individual buyers to make purchases.

Kazempur in a statement to Reuters warned Trampa that he should "wait" for this, blocking Iran's access to global oil markets, "The hostages of the Saudi Arabia and Russia ", because these countries are not in the interest of the depreciation of oil.

"The responsibility for high oil prices is unnecessarily paid for by the consumers of the whole The right of veto, especially in US petrol stations, is only on your shoulders (tramp), and the price is greater than 100 dollars a barrel, "adds Kazempur in a message to Tramp

If OPEK raises oil prices, SEEbiz writes that the US State Department, under threat of sanctions, called the last week all the European countries and allies and China and India, who are big Iranian buyers, to stop importing Iranian oil on November 4th. [19659003Enréponsel'IranamenacédebloquerlecoldesHormoneslaprincipalevoienavigableduGolfePersiquepourlesexportationsdepétroleetquesil'IrannepeutvendresonpétrolesouslapressiondesEtats-UnisaucunautrepaysrégionalneseraautorisénoussommesvoisinsetleresteronsnoussavonsquenouspouvonsetdevonsvivreensemblePersonnenevousdemandedeledéfendre(Tramp)dequiconquemenezlabatailleavectoutlemondemonsieurdepuisquevousêtesarrivéaupouvoir"adéclaréKazempurauprésidentaméricaindansunedéclarationàReuters[19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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