It is the SURPRUSING SPIRIT, a galaxy with a huge black and a hole!



The invention of this particle is the work of scientist Ajs Kjub Observatory who first detected and then found its source.

The significance of this particle is that it could explain where cosmic rays come from. This answer would be pretty spectacular. The neutrino has almost no mass and travels directly through the universe. This makes it very difficult to detect, but also very easy to follow.

"Neutrinos rarely react to matter," says Professor O. Brien, a member of the International Astronomy Team at the University of Leicester.

"To discover them in the cosmos is incredible, but when their source is identified, it's a triumph," he says, adding, "This result will allow us to investigate in a completely new way the sources of the most powerful and powerful energy in space. "

The observatory Ajs Kjub revealed the neutrinos on September 22nd. This huge resort is located about a mile from the North Pole. A network of more than 5,000 super sensitive sensors managed to capture the characteristic blue light "Cherenkov", which emitted a neutrino in contact with the ice.

Neutrinos pass directly through planets, stars and anything on the way. By moving in a straight line, scientists have managed to eject its previous movement of billions of light-years at its source.

In the end, scientists came to the conclusion that the origin of this particle is what is called the blazar, a galaxy that has a huge black hole in itself. It lies 4 billion light-years from Earth and is to the left of the constellation Orion.

The detected neutrino is probably a product of the powerful energy of cosmic rays that have come into contact with certain materials in the environment. Unlike other hard-to-follow particles, the neutrino can not fall under the influence of the most powerful magnetic fields, writes Independent.

Frances Cordova, director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), who heads Ajs Kjub 's lab, says that we are in the era of sending multiple messages as part of the program. astrophysics.

"Each messenger, from electromagnetic radiation to gravitational waves and now to neutrino, gives us a more complete understanding of the universe and an important new insight into the most powerful objects and events in the sky," he said. -he says.

Thus, the neutrino became the third "messenger" in the framework of astrophysics.

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