Italian astronaut: middle class – the world will travel soon in space


Photo: Pixabay / skeeze

A journey into space should become possible for over fifteen years, and for those who are not particularly wealthy, the Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli tells Hina that he is convinced that space tourism will change

Nespoli is the astronaut of the European Space Agency who flew three times to the International Space Station and spent there a year

At age 61, the oldest active astronaut of the ESA

Nespoli He recently visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg where, as part of the European Youth Event, he gave a lecture on his adventures, achievements and dreams

Like many children, Paolo wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. the stories of the children of the seventies of the last century in the Italian province, thousands of kilometers from one of the space centers of the world, only caused smiles.

"Nespoli, a military pilot and a graduate engineer in aerospace and astronautics

Although it depends on many factors, Nespoli predicts that middle-class citizens will have the opportunity to go into the world. space for 15 years. or 20 years old.

"It's like a mobile.I remember being in the center of astronauts one of the first mobiles in Germany, and the conversation was costing 20 marks per minute. was amazing and we were thinking of who could afford such a costly device.A few years later they were everywhere, "says the Italian in a conversation for Hin.

Going into space and watching the whole Earth changes a man, says Nespoli

Frontiers are not seen from the universe

I had the opportunity I would change the way society thinks about my home alone. "

" Turning around her, I realized that Earth is like a spaceship, and that people have to work together. "19659005] Nespoli points out that borders between states are only not visible from the universe, but only between the Earth and the darkness of the universe, so that man feels the affinity of his planet for the first time. "[19659005] The ISS clearly sees how widespread a man is, and Nespoli particularly shocks the number of fishing boats in Southeast Asia, which he initially considered part of [19659005"Asahumanbeingwehavetodosomethingandwehavetodoitnow"saysNespoliandrecallsthatitisonly400kilometersawayfromtheEarthwhichheneedstobringtobearontheenvironment

"Astronauts are not superheroes or geniuses, but people normal who are able to e do things, for example, fix toilets, "says Nespoli.

As they spend their time in a state of well-being, astronauts themselves are also medical test testers, such as those in osteoporosis.

This disease is particularly interesting for space exploration. the space station's conclusions are very useful on Earth.

"The lack of gravity for the brain sends a signal that the skeleton is useless, so ten

A lot of lettuce leaf flavor

Nespoli still finds time and for his hobby, a photo – on Earth, he returned with about 27,000

Photographing the universe requires special speed and agility, because, for example, in Italy, the favorite pattern of Nespoli, because of the speed circle of the ISS around the Earth, "escapes" from view in seconds


"I considered food only as a source of minerals and vitamins, but one realizes that it's a lot more, because there is also a social aspect. ""

The astronauts, as part of the scientific research, managed to harvest salad on the ISS, and only one from his brochures Nespoli recalled a handful of flavors

Do you know aliens for pizza? [1 9659014] In real Italian, at one point he joked to the ISS that he had no pizza on the ISS, but he sent him ingredients in the next expedition, he became Unless the pizzas reach the extraterrestrials

Because of his engineering thinking, which takes into account the infinity of the universe, Nespoli does not reject the possibility that Extraterrestrials exist somewhere, because it would be statistically incredible that nowhere else in the cosmos has created appropriate living conditions similar to those on Earth.

Nespolio is physically the most difficult, but the psychologically lightest part of the mission returned to Earth

"When you land, you are happy. The mission is over. It's good to work in the universe, but it's very demanding, stressful and the possibility of a mistake is great. "

" When you land and you do not destroy the station or kill anyone, think: "Yes! & # 39; and then the door opens, fresh air comes in and is heard, gravity is there again and you see that the old world has come back, discover the astronaut .

Asked if there is anything to say to those who claim that the Earth is flat

"I really do not know what to say about it …"

Text taken from Al Jazeera portal.

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