Juventus called to congratulate Milan, seriously seeking Iguain


  Juventus called to congratulate Milan asked Iguain seriously

No Morata nor Benzema – The choice of Milan Gonzalo Iguain 19659004 ] The new director of the Milanese major Leonardo opened negotiations with Juventus on the purchase Iguain . It seems that the new American owners have had their hands in the transition period and have the means to bring the sound like Iguain .

Argentina has become surplus since its arrival Ronalda to Juventus. Alegria is not over in the team, and Juventus is not needed on a payroll with an annual income of 7,500,000 euros net by which only the Portuguese mentioned ahead. Ronalda and the choice fell to Iguain .

Chelsea first appeared as a candidate for popular shopping Pipite Negotiations were conducted for days, but they did not succeed. They are not unhappy because they are still going on. The transfer insists Iguain former coach of Naples Mauricio Sari . But obviously Plavci did not offer enough money and reached Juventus the required limit of 60,000,000 euros. Or maybe Argentinac refused to move to London. Or maybe Chelsea does not guarantee the same income as in Turin.

However, Milan opened the history of Argentina. Marotta called Leonardo to congratulate him on his choice, and the famous Brazilian, after saying gratitude, went to see the conditions under which he could lead.

There are no precise figures, but Juventus has been informed that the Rosemasters want the Argentineans to negotiate. , b, e, h, n, t, s)
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