Kosovo by meter and lying in shades


"All that they lost, we have a meter, it's a victory, because now we have nothing …" Aleksandar Vučić – Donji Banjani, June 30, 2018.

By Dragan Milasinovic

It is, of course, Kosovo and Metohija. And it is not, as it seems at first glance, an additional moment in the sea unimportant statements that the Serbian president is bombarding the Serbian president of a draft when, at first glance, he is disputed , states the state of "internal dialogue" a lie that slowly becomes the pathological state of his consciousness, as some of his detractors believe. It's about the calculated public address of the so-called. In the context of a wider manipulation scenario aimed at changing the consciousness of Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of Serbia and trying to decode the Kosovo Pact as the soul of the country. to be Serb national. In this operation, created in the labs of TAVISTOK (2), Vucic is only an author and his infamous lies are only a tool to anesthetize by the Serbian people during the first time. imminent amputation of Kosovo-Metohia

. political and criminal impunity for the veliyada that he intends to do, although this is a primary motive for him, but to ensure that the taking of Kosovo-Metohia does not not become the focal point that will endanger the globalist conquest of Serbia. It's always important to remember that Vučičić's performances made sense, no matter what does not always seem like that, and that he works forbidden matrix and technologies developed outside of Serbia, which include imposing a lie as an essential tool. Since in this imposition the repetition, while repressing the opposite arguments, the basic concept is our duty to debase these lies, and each member of the Serbian people must find in him the will and the time that he seeks in the consciousness of the regime and the media.

Therefore, the purpose of this text is to show how many Vucic lies are hiding in a single sentence, stated at the beginning, and that I would not sway it out of context, I quote the whole paragraph of which it is a part : 19659004] "All that they have lost, let me win ar, win, because now we have nothing.People should have confidence in their leadership, day after day, on this issue Today, we are not completely excluded, and in 2012, we waited only for the signature of the independence given in Kosovo, "said Mr. Vucic.

The use of simple sentences, phrases and examples so obvious that the normal mind does not need to respond critically would paralyze or significantly slow down the thought process critical. When Vucic says that Kosovo lost more Emperor Lazar (and does not say we sent him back) or that it's better to have a meter of territory than Dacic tells us: "If the Kosovo is the reason why we do not hold the government session in Pristina "As far as you know that these are nonsense, you do not have the real intellectual need to go deep, comment or judge but just ask yourself "why this torture is something everyone knows" and you keep going. But the message remains, it does not reject consciousness. It sounds silly, but it works. And it is regularly used in manipulations of all kinds, from advertising to politics.

Also, children usually speak in the present, which in the political application of this method frees the manipulators to explain the relationship of causes and consequences. in the most important policy. In the concrete case where Vucic tells us that one meter from Kosovo is better than nothing, it is so obvious that your mind deals with the banality of the expression itself and does not pose the question of whether we really have nothing and who is really guilty? And that's the essence, is not it!

Vucic's performance based on passionate lies can only be effective in a media space where informational content is transferred to programs of suspension of critical public consciousness. National multi-open broadcast frequencies, open-content content, which does not exist anywhere in Europe, and probably in the world. And the tabloids have been turned into newsletters. In such a framework Vucicevo "we get a meter, it's a gain, because now we have nothing" passes like an axiom.

Well, it's a lie. We will begin with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which guarantees Serbia's sovereignty over Kosovo and Metohija and is the only valid international legal act on Kosovo. All the forces that recognized Kosovo voted for it. The fact that Vučić says that they will no longer discuss the resolution, we have never heard from a permanent member of the Security Council. Never. No official initiative has been taken to cancel or modify the resolution. So, he's lying! Either he is completely incompetent as a negotiator or, for whatever reason, he will not refer to a valid resolution that favors us! If Tadic and Jeremic have temporarily rescinded resolution 1244 and embarked on the EULEX concept, the abolition of this mission gives Vucic the opportunity to restore the resolution to a totally legitimate level. It can do so easily because Resolution 1244 remains the only official framework for solving the problem of Kosovo and Metohija. Let it begin and let the United States and Britain say publicly that they are against the resolution that they voted for themselves. So he has something, just does not want to use it! Why?

Also, in the political sense, Vučić through the so-called. The "Serbian List" can cause the fall of the Kosovo government when it wants! It is precisely their votes that have allowed Haredin to form a government and their votes or to give a quorum that the government is in power. After all, Vučić himself has called their entry into Kosovo's institutions by winning their policy. On the possibilities of influencing political life in the province, all his media have been blamed for the treacherous act of the so-called "List Srpske" when practically chosen by Prime Minister Siptar. did he suddenly become NISHA?

But, and if there is nothing, we come to the question of why we do not have NIT and who is to blame for it The murmurs of Vucic blame Prince Lazar for the loss of Kosovo, the time of the Kumanovo agreement, the hour of "yellow", the hour of "one" and the day before even Slavisa Ristic, is a cheap demagoguery of her politics of fairness Let's see the real culprit

At the time of the appointment of Nikolic to power and the appointment of Vucic for a whole -puissant PPV (First Deputy Prime Minister), where Dacic was blackmailed in some bananas, he was Prime Minister, The Brussels Dialogue was only at the beginning, and Serbia had all the established state structures (police, courts, municipalities, education, post office, health, railway, etc.) in Serbia, which operated according to the laws of Serbia. The Serbs fought for this because of the "Guardians of the Bridge" who physically prevented the Šiptar Serbs from entering the Serbian areas when the state withdrew from Kosovo-Metohija and then politically profiled to avoid KFOR arrests. The Kostunica government has skilfully taken advantage of the created vacuum and brought back one of the Serbian institutions in this part of Kosovo and Metohija, and that is all that is really beneficial for Kostunica for Serbian interests. These institutions were stable and functional at the time when Vucic appeared on the premises of the Serbian authorities. So, we really had something!

By the Brussels agreement, all this was handed over to the Siptars, Vucic even using the methods of direct blackmail, as well as the physical coercion against the Serbs on the ground that compromised such a policy. The phone number of Siptar was not given by "ONI", but by the Vucic regime, in which Rasim Ljajic is the signatory of the document Deputy Prime Minister. The police and the courts have not dissolved Tadic, but Vucic. And so on. If today we have a fault NICE, it can only be Vucic. And his first assistant Ivica Dacic. Attempting to make others accountable for what he himself has done is a recognizable note of Vucic's political appearances since the authorities came to power, pointing to the macchiavellian side of his character. On the question of Kosovo and Metohija, his recklessness, his hypocrisy and selfishness reached a climax.

After all that he did and did, it is not surprising that, from Vucic, we were getting Kosovo by meter and that we were lying on tones. Therefore, the demagoguery of its cheap, but because of the control of the media, effective demagoguery is a permanent obligation of patriotic speech. To this end, this text is also used, as well as other texts on Kosovo and Metohija from this author and other authors.

What is sad and frustrating is that the true answer to the story of Vucic's "meter" arrived by Shiprat:

"No one deserves it, and it does not matter. will have no meters of Kosovo, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo will be endangered on both sides, there are no such couples, neither now nor never, " said Vucic, the leader of the Siptar negotiating team, Avni Arifi.

No political politician has come to the point of telling him! I guess their counter is enough!

HERE Look how Serbia cheated on the heroes of the basket.

Source: anfor. org

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