LOCAL GRANTS MOMAK FISHING THE PUPPY (13): The horror of Leskovac discovery! | Black chronicle


Leskovac police officers, on the orders of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Leskovac, brought the unemployed SE (37) from the village of Vinarci to Leskovac to justice and suspected of committing the offense of physical maladministration of A minor

. that from May of this year until the last Wednesday of July 18, that is to say until the arrest, he repeatedly raped a thirteen year old student of the village from Vinarci, a pitiful vegetal village on the northern outskirts of Leskovac.

As we unofficially discover in the Leskovac Police Unit, S. E. has already been known to the Leskovac police as a local "fierce" with a serious record of theft and theft.

According to our unofficial information, he was denounced by the parents of the injured girl when she complained of the physical torture she suffered during the violent attack of July.

The trial judge of Judge Vinarinin SE ordered detention of up to 30 days and he was taken to the Leskovac Prison Institute to be detained there during the day .



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