"MAD, YOU KNOW HAVE ALEKSANDAR!" Devojci, from Serbia, broke a car on the way to Halkidiki, and Valjevac's CEO, DENIED BALKAN


<img src = "https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/GaSk9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvTnpNN01EQV8vNWJkOWZkN2RjZGIyNjA2YzI5ZTY3YmY1ODdkMGJkMjUuanBlZ5GTAs0C5ACBoTAB" alt = "Image: Live from Greece / Ana Nikolic / Facebook

vest on Valjevca nice gesture, who tried to help a 20 year old girl whose car exploded in Thessaloniki in the short term, (20 years old) is alone and can not, for one reason or another, run the chariot and should continue to Halkidiki, just to watch and see some of them.If she can help her in, "said the mother of a girl who was" captured "with her companions in front of the supermarket at the head of the band "Live form Greece".

They quickly started commenting on the good people they were offering and the words of support, while Alexander Andrić of Valjevo, who was at that time in Halkidiki, was offered at one point given and offered to go in an hour

As stated below, Andric repaired the vehicle for hours. and in the end he managed to eliminate the defect, and the happy girl sent a message to her mother, saying, "Mom, you have no idea what Alexander was doing, 40+ no. shadow, disassembled a car half, left the seat … I succeeded! "

The union was over because the" rescuer "went on to Serbia, and their shared photo of successful work came online.

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