Marjone replaced, English Mike Menley new head of FCA


The reason for this change is the complication in the recovery of Marcione after shoulder surgery


Turin Stampa states that Menley within the FCA was responsible for the car brand Jeep and since last September, he was a member of the board of directors of the group

It is said that the decision to dismiss Markone at a joint meeting was taken by the members of the board of directors of FCA, Ferrari and CNH Indistrial.

"Stampa" states that Marjone, 66, is in "Fiat" happened in 2004, he should leave the group in April next year after the shareholder meeting confirmed the financial situation

According to Reuters sources, Ferrari management would take Luis Camilleri, who now sits in his administration, instead of Marjone

The site "Otomotiv njuz" announced the first possibility to name Kamilica, but also that John Elkhan, the small- son of Fiat's founders, Jani Anjelija, whose family still controls the three companies whose board of directors met today, came to Geneva instead of Marjone [19659004] AP says that three boards of directors convened separate meetings "Sera Sera" had previously reported that Marjone had been operated in Switzerland three weeks ago, and the media reported that her recovery had lasted longer than planned.

"CNH in Torino due to the long period of physical rehabilitation of Marjone

indastrial" produced agricultural equipment, trucks, buses and other vehicles.

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