As indicated, this figure is reached only if one takes into account the legal minimum income of 2,375,136 dinars a year for which citizens are required to report to the tax administration.
<img src = "http://www.rtv.rs/slike/2015/10/07/menadzment-direktori-javni-sektor-otpustanja-otpustanje-zaposljavanje-zaposleni-jpg_660x330.jpg" border = "0 "alt =" general managers public dismissals dismissal employee jpg [19659003OnlythehighestincomesoftheSerbiespopulationarefoundbythemostimportant100incomesreportedinSerbia73percentbelongtothecontributablesoftheperformedbytheBegregionalDepartmentoftheBelgradeFinancialAdministration
.The net income of the richest registered citizens of Serbia, for the first hundred taxpayers, the income varies from about 40 to about 340 million dinars.
Also, according to the tax administration report, the most frequently reported professions are the director, director and engineer
The tax administration report indicates that 69 people are nationals and 31 are foreign nationals
. on the income of citizens, the highest registration at noon
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