Military Institution "Dedinje": restoration for the socialist movement under commercial conditions


Inaccurate information from some media that the military institution of Dedinje is illegally engaged in the provision of catering services during the Socialist Movement event on July 14, from 17 to 20 at the House of Youth

Photo: The Military Institution Dedinje

.. said this institution and said that everything was done in accordance with the law and regulations as in the last 50 years

The announcement indicates that the service was provided under commercial conditions and that it was contracted in a timely manner on July 11th.

For the realization of this service, the number of employees was engaged in accordance with the standards of catering, in the service department, in their regular working hours, which is followed by regular earnings in accordance with legal regulations, is added in the announcement.

In the statement, it is even more difficult for these activities to require a special permit or authorization because it is activities in the core business from VU "Dedinje" and it is one of the usual commercial activities of restoration.

Cedomir Kisic, director of the institution Vojno Dedinje, said that the restoration institution he manages operates in accordance with the law and that it is by far better that she was not in the previous period. " Please, the representatives of the Military Union, by their actions and especially by the dissemination of inaccurate information, do not harm the business of VU" Dedinje "and reputation of its employees who have earned half a century. "

Movement of Socialists: paid service

The chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Movement of Socialists Belgrade, Nebojsa Petrovic, said that the military institution "Dedinje" is engaged in the celebration of the l & # 39; 39th anniversary of the Movement of Socialists and that they "paid" "We did not want to hire a private institution, but we wanted to show symbolically to VU Dedinje that we care about it." army and states, "said Petrović, and conveyed the Socialist Movement.

While stating that the military institution "Dedinje" is an autonomous institution that supplied us Petrović asked the military union why he never remembers these institutions and his workers under the regime Douzains.

"The Socialist movement asks the military union why it never remembers these caterers, as any other caterer, the institutions and their workers during the Dossier regime, when this institution was systematically destroyed, when she collapsed, when the workers did not receive salary on time, but now that the military institution of Dedinje finally got up, when she

We will remember, The Military Union of Serbia accused Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin of illegally hiring military personnel from Dedinje to celebrate the anniversary of the Socialist Movement led by him nothing whatsoever. Was paid for this commitment

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