Mirović: The Novi Sad Science and Technology Park will be completed by the 2019/20 school year


J. S. |

July 17, 2018 23:33 |

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The Science and Technology Park extends over 30,000 square meters and is intended for the Faculty of Technical Sciences, start-ups and scientific institutes established by the provincial government.

WORKS N og Park a in Novi Sad co-funded by the Provincial Government, the Government of Serbia and the Project Management Unit, will be completed by the 2019/2020 academic year.

– Our goal is to complete the work in a timely manner and contribute to the overall economic development of AP Vojvodina and Serbia – said Serbian Government Minister Igor Mirovic during the visit of the construction site. one of the largest investments in Novi Sad. Mirovic stressed that he expects the equipment to be allocated from the city budget of Novi Sad for the equipment of the facility.

The Science and Technology Park will cover 30,000 square meters. It is intended for the Faculty of Technical Sciences, start-up companies and scientific institutes founded by the Provincial Government.

About 10,000 square meters will be the classrooms and laboratories of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the rest of the space is intended for companies according to forecasts, 3,000 new engineers will be hired

The first stone of the second phase of construction of the Science and Technology Park of the campus of the University of Novi Sad was laid in 2016 and according to forecasts, this investment will cost about 12.6 million euros. 19659008] window.fbAsyncInit = function ()
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