Moderate traffic at border crossings for up to one hour



Photo: A.M. – С.С. / screenshot

In Serbia tonight, traffic of moderate intensity and out of town takes place without large crowds, except at the border posts where it waits an hour, as well as on the particular sections on which the works are carried out

. Border police authorities in Horgos, at the entrance of the country, wait at intervals of 30 to 60 minutes.

Wait an hour waiting for the Prespa, but at the exit of our country.

Na Gradini, at the exit and at the entrance of the ground, there is a waiting period of 40 to 60 minutes

The possessions of trucks at the exit of Serbia to Horgos are d & About 90 and in Sid and Batrovci about two hours.

Information obtained from JP "Roads of Serbia" has no reservations at toll stations, except NR Stara Pazova when he waits 15 minutes in the direction of Belgrade

According to the meteorologist, in most places from western, central and southern Serbia, there are thunderstorms that significantly affect the difficult traffic.

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