Modric ready to go Real-Inter saves money?


Milan Inter tries to conquer the gold ball at the Capri Modrić World Cup recently completed during the time that passes in San Siro, according to Skaj Sport.

  Luka Modrić

Getty Images Sport, Manuel Queimadelos Alonso

Luka Modric

As stated, the leaders of the Inter have already come into contact with Croatian football players

The same information was transmitted Tuesday night and the newspaper Gazeta delo sport

Real of this flight has already left without the first star of Cristiano Ronaldo, and the previous club was also coached by Zinedin Zidan

On the other hand, Inter was a "royal jersey" And in his contract he has a buyback clause of 500 million euros. Tuesday announced the arrival of another Croatian player since Šime Vrsaljko arrived on a loan.

The Inter will see in the next hours or days if it is possible for them to sign Modrić of Real Madrid. [ad_2]
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