More info about Džej Bezos above Bila Gejsta


  Džej Bezos has exceeded the wealth of Bila Gejsta
17.07.2018 16:26 |

Washington – The wealth of the founder of the "Amazons" of Dzefa Bezos is estimated at $ 150 billion, according to Blumbergovus billionaire index.

His wealth has increased by more than 60 billion dollars in the last 12 months, making him the richest man in the world

He is now richer than the co-founder of "Majkrosofta" Bila Gejsta, who previously figured at the top of the list of the richest people in the world

Gates of Fortune in 1999 rose to $ 100 billion, $ 149 billion when inflation is calculated.

Gates is now second with a fortune of $ 95 billion. He gave 700 million bonds of "Majkrosofta" and 2.9 billion cash since 1996.

He made money and assets at the "Bil and Melinda Gates Foundation", writes "Blumberg."

This is not the first time Džef Bezos is the first on the list of the richest. In July 2017, he quickly took first place at Gates

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