Most American fairs go from winter to summer?


The Detroit auto show, traditionally held in January, is scheduled to be held in June 2020.

  Photo: Newspress

Photo: Newspress

In the last few months, information has emerged that the organizers of the Detroit Fair anticipate the most important manifestation of this type on the North American continent change the date of operation of this automobile showcase.

One of the main reasons for changing the term is the adverse weather conditions that govern this city in the United States in January.

Because of the low temperatures and the wind, the organizers are not able to devote a portion of the activity to open spaces outside the fair halls during the fair and thus find the attractions and attractions.

speculated that the new car salon management term will be in June or October.

  Source: Newspress

Source: Newspress

If it turns out that this information is a no-brainer, Detroit fills the gap in the calendar of major world fairs and "confuse" between these first and early falls taking off in Paris or Frankfurt (depending on whether it's hot or odd years).

The current January term is not favorable to Detroit for one more reason. In recent years, a major competition has been held at the Electronics Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which will also be held in January, but a week ago.

This event takes place in Las Vegas and has recently attracted cars produced at CES that represent new advanced technologies in their vehicles.

Photo: Newspaper “/>

Photography: Newspaper

Photography: Newspaper

Photography: Newspaper

Photography: Newspaper

The organizers of the Detroit Fair certainly did not fit the tight schedule of car shows on the North American continent, because the event of Los Aneles, which is becoming more and more important, will end in late November and the fair will take place in February.

On the other hand, the question arises as to whether the June era is a real term because promotional activities in the auto industry are hiding at the beginning of the flight, both because of the holidays and the premature introduction of models for the coming year. too late to launch scheduled cars for the current year

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