MUSTAFA TAKES NEW TENSIONS: Or to talk about the rights of Albanians in central Serbia or the break-up of dialogue | Policy


Tanjug |

July 17, 2018 12:23 |

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The leader of the Democratic Party of Presevo Albanians, Ragmi Mustafa, said that Pristina should finish his dialogue with Belgrade in Brussels, if the "Presevo Valley", as the Albanians call the south of Central Serbia, is not a topic Dialogue

The leader of the Democratic Party of Presevo Albanians, Ragmi Mustafa, said that Pristina should finish his dialogue with Belgrade in Brussels, if the "Presevo Valley", as the Albanians call south of central Serbia, is not the subject of this dialogue. Ragmi Mustafa told TV T7 that the Pristina delegation, headed by the president of the so-called "State of Kosovo" should have seriously understood the demand of Albanians from this part of Serbia to discuss their problems at Brussels, said the Prime Minister of the Minuk.

The mayor of Bujanovac Shaip Kamberi claims that the rights of the Albanians in the region

MORE: Haradinaj: The Presevo Valley and the priority of the government of the North

The Assembly of Albanian Councilors, three municipalities of southern Central Serbia, adopted on Saturday the "Political Declaration", which requires that the institutions and provisional authorities of Kosovo include in the dialogue on the normalization of relations and, as we say, the political status of the Albanians of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, the three municipalities of southern central Serbia.

they request that their rights in the Brussels dialogue be represented by the President of the Provisional Institutions of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi.

that the leaders of the Kosovo Provisional Institutions, Thaçi, whose legitimacy in the dialogue is challenged by the opposition of Kosovo, and Ramush Haradinaj, defend their interests in Brussels, which they say would provide the same " that Serbia seeks for the Serbian minority in Kosovo and Metohija ".

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