NASA announces new shots: landing on the moon was really? – News – Life


49 years have passed since one of the greatest achievements of humanity, the landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon, and the US space agency has now released 19,000 hours of recorded audio recordings during the mission.

Source: B92

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The whole world testified on television when Astronaut Nil Armstrong entered the moon, holding his breath when Nil said: "

While moon landing recordings continue to attract public attention, as well as different theories, researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas have now released a thousand audio tracks recorded during a mission that lasted eight days and three hours.

Videos that were until recently "under the key", or in specially climatic vaults, reveal open conversations between Apollo 11 astronaut and control of the mission in Houston

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Apolo 11 was launched on July 16, 1969 with a triple crew of Nil Armostrong, Edwin (Baz) Oldrin and Michael Collins, and on July 24 th, Gear successfully landed in the waters of the Pacific Ocean .

During this historic journey, thousands of audio recordings of a conversation between an astronaut and NASA have now surfaced on the Internet.

Up to now, behind-the-scenes videos and discussion of technical issues were kept secret

But as the British Express says, a joint effort by NASA and the University of Texas, all the recordings were retrieved and digitized. More than 19,000 hours of recording of the entire mission are available to the public, and you can hear HERE.

Also, every record posted on the internet comes with a transcription of different voices.

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