New license of firearms 100 euros | Society


Dragović |

July 5, 2018 07:30 |

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In exchange, 600,000 guns are waiting for a replacement, citizens who own guns are still nine months old. The legal novelty is that up to 10 pieces can be saved on a document

CITIZENS who own guns have only nine months to replace old weapons pamphlets for new biometric documents. This is one of the last obligations under the law on weapons and ammunition, implemented since March 2016. In contrast to the old practice, a new list of weapons makes it possible. save up to 10 rifles or pistols.

Read more: First review and weapons license

While the Ministry of the Interior prepares the arrival of this remarkable important work, the owners and collectors Arms are arrogant due to extensive procedures and payment of fees. According to unofficial information, Serbian citizens have at least 600,000 firearms in the National Armaments Association (NAOS), which includes traffickers and weapons manufacturers, as well as clubs and associations. shooters

. Is this case possible until the expiry of the statutory period? Dusko Ilic, Secretary General of NAOS, believes that obligations are useless and costly. – We are against many provisions of this law from the beginning, which aim to disarm citizens, even if Serbia is at the bottom of the scale according to the number of arms held by citizens in Europe.

The owner of the weapon is obliged to replace, brought the weapon to the police station, as well as old documents. He needs confirmation that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against him, as well as a medical certificate stating that he is able to detain and carry weapons.

Read more: Pistol only with medical certificate

Documents proving. justified reason to possess weapons. If a citizen has a shotgun or carabiner, it's a casual hunting test certificate or a copy of a hunting card. If a weapon is meant for the sport, a "justified reason" is a certificate of membership at one of the shooting clubs. In the case where a gun or rifle is intended for personal safety, the owner is required to "submit to the file" a statement stating that the safety is in danger due to work performed or other circumstances. All this is monitored by a police check before issuance of a permit.

TROPHIES TAKING THE COUNTRY The new law on weapons and ammunition has abolished the category of trophy weapons. According to the records of the MUP, until the entry into force of new regulations in Serbia, a total of 63,558 trophy weapons were registered. In March of this year, more than half of the owners re-registered their fire trophies. Not all procedures have yet been completed and some of these weapons have been handed over to the state. In addition, in three rounds of legalization, how many measures have been taken since the entry into force of the new law, a total of 3,725 pieces were handed over to the MUP

The MUP states that the replacement of the armed papers is a legal obligation for everyone. they warn against the habitual habit of citizens to use the last days legal deadlines for the execution of administrative tasks.

– In 2016 and 2017, there was no major change in the weapons records, while the number of requests increased significantly. 19659007] The issuance of a new list of weapons costs 1,500 dinars (600 dinars costs the form produced by the banking department). Citizens who own rotten pipe guns – pistols, revolvers, rifles – are required to pay a tax of 5,360 dinars. Many guns and riflemen, however, perceive this as double taxation since they paid the same tax when they approved the purchase and registration of weapons.

With this cost, the medical certificate costs from 3,500 to 6,000 dinars (according to the health facility), the total replacement amount of this document is increased to more than 12,000 dinars.

Photo N. Fifić


CHANGING documents documented as secret weapon holders around NAOS as a secret examination of the lawful possession of firearms .

– The replacement of weapons leaves does not differ much from the prescribed procedure when a citizen first acquires weapons. It's too strict and useless. Why controls as basic as the most minimal offense, or a criminal offense for which imprisonment is imprisoned, is immediately removed from the weapon – says Ilic.

The MUP agrees that new regulations are first and foremost in the interest of citizen safety.

– Upon re-registration, all legal requirements must be met, as some citizens have been licensed for weapons issued for 20 years or more. That's why it's important to check that they meet all the conditions – say in the MUP.

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