NEW SCIENTIFIC ARTISANS: Jupiter works like a vacuum cleaner, sucking everything around it | Report


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July 18, 2018 23:33 |

Astronomers continue to discover the months around Jupiter, and in the last attempt they spotted 10, bringing the total number of natural satellites into orbit of this planet at 79.

Astronomers continue to discover the months around Jupiter, and the last attempt was observed by 10, bringing the total number of natural satellites in the orbit of this planet to 79 .

"We did not immediately understand what was going on, it took us a whole year to understand what the objects were," Scott Shepard of the Carnegie Institute of Science in Washington, who led the team astronomical, [AP]

Jupiter Months have not been noticed before because they are tiny, and astronomers did not know if it was really months or so asteroids that pass along this giant gas planet. Astronomer Garrett Williams of the Center for Small Planets of the International Astronomical Union believes that Jupiter could have even more months around him, but they are small and do not see.

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"We have not observed them enough," says Williams, who helped confirm the lunar orbit. 19659005] For the latest discovery and its confirmation, telescopes were used in Chile, Hawaii and Arizona.

Surrounded by 79 months, the Jupiter was operated under vacuum, vacuuming all around him and months, of which Galileo discovered the four largest in 1610, Jupiter is the planet with the most of these bodies around us in our solar system, followed by Saturn with 61, Uranus with 27 and Neptune with 14.

Mars is two months old, Earth one, while Merkur and Venus do not have one.


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