News / News / Economy / Poland publishes "Russian embrace", but …


Polish gas industry experts hope that after 2022, a long-term agreement with Russia on the supply of natural gas from the Jamal Peninsula in northern Siberia will become independent in terms of deliveries of energy products.

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"I know that Poles are angry with Russia" …

According to representatives of the Polish gas company Tomaš Stempenja, thanks to projects such as the Baltic Puppet and Expansion of the port terminal in Svinoujšće for the reception of US tankers with liquid gas, but also thanks to the new joint projects of Warsaw with Kiev and Prague, Poland can become a new gas center in the region.

Poland's optimism also rose after discussion in the US Congress on the bill on the possible introduction of sanctions for the Russian project "North Stream 2".

However, Alexander Pasečnik, an expert with the Russian National Fund's Energy Security Analysis Center, believes that Poland has a real chance of creating an energy foam on its territory.

– There are already countries that have more opportunities, like Austria and Germany. Poland can hardly achieve such a thing, although the "foam" seems very confusing in the logistic context. As a result of discussions on the diversification of gas supply in Poland, you know, plans to purchase large quantities of liquid gas from the United States do not support the idea that Poland can become an energy hub, a hab.

I know that the Poles are angry at Russia because we sell Siberian gas to the Germans at a lower price and many of my colleagues have opened a few times and are wondering why the gas is not not sold to different customers at the same price. I always answer that in the conditions of the market economy, when it comes to price formation, everything is taken into account! – says Pasečnik and adds:

– With some partners, especially with Germany, Russia has built a relationship of trust over the years. In addition, Germany is the largest buyer of Russian gas, and whoever buys a lot gets bigger discounts. There is another moment, and Germany is an important participant of the strategic projects "North Stream" and "North Stream 2". And this is also taken into account. And Poland has distanced itself from Russia.

– Poland is a political opponent of Russia in the field of energy, regardless of the fact that she buys a large amount of gas from us. I guess they will continue to buy Russian gas, even though they have signed contracts for the supply of liquid gas from the United States, which is usually more expensive than Russian gas . By 2022, Warsaw could say anything to say that it was necessary to weaken the so-called "Gasproma" hegemony and so on. But I do not think that after 2022, Russia will stop supplying gas to Poland. It is still early to give an estimate – concludes this expert.


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