Nikon presented the highest camera of all time


Nikon's latest "compact" camera has the highest zoom capability, or a lens with a zoom range of 24 to 3,000 millimeters, or more precisely 125.

The P1000 is the successor to P900. The Nikon P1000 has an aperture range from f / 2.8 to f / 8, compared to f / 2.8 – f / 6.5 to P900, and both models have a 16 megapixel sensor.

The P1000 is apparently built for conditions where large magnification is needed, such as nature photography or the night sky, as evidenced by the special options for photographing birds in the wild or in the moonlight. And you will get the best results if you use a tripod.

The camera can record 4K video at 30 fps per second. The device has an electronic OLED visor, supports Nikon's RAW photo capture and snapbridge data system, says The Verge.

The Nikon P1000 weighs 1.4 kilograms and is priced at $ 999.

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