Nobody remembers the last time


  Nobody remembers the last time

England in the previous round against Colombia managed to deflect the ghostly ghosts of the past that had been opposed to the Three Lions for years. Gordy Albion finally managed to avoid the white spot defeat after extra time, and then after almost a decade, the famous first round of the competition took place, as well as finding a good goalkeeper in a position that seemed to have been haunted by this team. Garett Southgate is the right choice for the pulse to believe in a triumph and against Sweden in the quarterfinals in Samaria at 4 pm

England has so far played in the # 39 history of the eight quarter finals of the World Cup, but only two times have managed to pass them: against Argentina in 1966 (1: 0) and Italy in 1990 against Cameroon (3: 2 ). Failures followed in Uruguay (1954), Brazil (1962), West Germany (1970), Argentina (1986), Brazil (2002) and Portugal with penalties (2006) when they played the last knockouts.

At the European Championships, they jumped two quarters (Italy 1968 and England in 1996), but also lost two (Portugal 2004 and Poland 2012).
"We have a great chance to write history We are one of the most inexperienced teams in Russia, the youngest, but we have scored the most goals and we want to continue to write a new story because England has not played in the semi-finals since 1990. But first you have to win Sweden. Harry Kane [19659656] [19659656] [19659696] "He's too much early to talk about the title of World Champion ", recalls the England captain.The Tottenham goalkeeper is one of the 17 players of this team from England who was not not even born when the team passed the quarter-finals of the big competition (1996) This "privilege" was shared by Young, Cahill, Ward, Delphi, Walker and Henderson and the last two were born a few days earlier.

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP – SPECIALS [1 9659003] Anyway, this generation of English was awakened from the apathy of the entire nation, and today this afternoon, virtually all will be on the island and even the famous Wimbledon. The organizers have refused to transfer the sword to Sweden on giant screens, and because of this, the owners of pubs around the tennis complex are waiting fans of the fans as they rub their hands.

But not only the English who ask. Sweden has shown in the post-19459006 era of Zlatan that it has become a real killer of the greats and that the role of a stranger, as it is now, is perfectly suited . The selection of Jane Anderson is not made up of big stars, but a teammate almost impossible to beat, which has been seen not only in this championship but also in the battle against the world. ;Italy.

This match will not be able to count on suspension suspended on the right Lustiga (replaced by Kraft of Bologna), but could be considerably improved if the experienced linkers Sebastian Larson recover from the beginning of the match. is the heart of this team in the middle of the field. Although our history teaches that Swedes and English have often played matches with three or more goals in recent times, it is still the World Cup where the winners decide the smallest details.

SWEDEN – ENGLAND (16, RTS) [19659016] Stadium: Arena of Kosmos at Samara
Capacity : 44.807
Judge : Bjern Kujpers (Netherlands)

] SWEDEN (4-4-2): Olsen – Kraft, Lindelef, Grankvist, Augustinson – Klasson, Larson, Ekdal, Forsberg – Toivonen, Berg.

Action Pictures

ENGLESKA (3-4-2-1): Pikford – Walker, Stouns, Megeve – Tripie, Ali, Henderson, Yang – Lingard, Sterling – 19659026]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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