Nutrition Tips: How to boost immunity ?! | (New


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Nutrition Tips: How to boost immunity ?!

A varied diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, is needed during the cold and virus season to boost immunity and prevent colds and viruses that occur on cooler days.

This means that fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and K and iron, as well as foods containing zinc, carotene and a group of B vitamins should be favored.

The combination of these vitamins and minerals will act preventively, but will also strengthen the body in case of colds or flu, help to alleviate symptoms and shorten the period of illness if the flu causes you anyway – said nutritionist Vesna Bosanac.

As for vitamin C, lemon and orange are often important, but there is also grapefruit, which is full of powerful flavonoids and antioxidants that boost immunity.

Due to the high proportion of vitamin C, for the prevention and treatment of colds Sour cabbage is particularly recommended.

In the process of acidification of cabbage, the fermentation of lactic acid is active, it is known to hinder the reproduction of bad microorganisms and preserve the balance of intestinal microflora. – says the nutritionist and adds:

I Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli are rich in carotenes, folate (vitamin B group), vitamin C and vitamin K, which enhance immunity.

Iron deficiency can affect immunity, so it is useful to enrich the diet of legumes, especially beans.

In case of colds and viruses, you must also make sure you consume enough vitamin BIt is therefore advisable to consume from time to time intestines (liver), eggs, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, peas and nuts, especially nuts.

Nuts are also recommended because of the high proportion of zinc, which is very important for lifting immunity – says nutritionist Bosanac.

Pumpkin seeds are a great substitute for buying snacks because they are rich in zinc, which greatly reduces the risk of viral infectionslike colds and flu. And the chicken cooked with a lot of vegetables has a strong healing effect precisely because it contains a high proportion of zinc – said the nutritionist.

Eat sweets and buy juice

Avoid excessive amounts of sugar from juice and industrially processed foods becauseSuffering sugar disrupts the immune systemand encourages the spread of viruses and bacteria.

Eat more meals a day how not to overload the digestive system. Eat hot dishes and raw salads containing a high proportion of vitamins and minerals.

Take a break for a few days

In the case of colds and flu, there are no medications that can accelerate healing, with the exception of medications that lower the temperature, but they must be stretched to prevent complications. In case of colds, it usually lasts three to five days, while the flu can last up to two weeks.

Learn more about this subject HERE.

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