OCCUPATION OF SOUTHERN SERBIA! ALARMS: 11,000 Albanians moved to Niš, they buy everything they can, I HAVE NO PROBLEM! | News


  OKUPATION OF SOUTH SERBIA! ALARMAN: 11,000 Albanians have moved to Nis, they buy everything they can, have no problem!

Photo: Profimedia, Marina Lopicic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic recently told people who have no demarcation with Albanians go to Vrane in 40 years. He then corrected and stated that the statement was optimistic:
– It will be for 20 years, not for 40 years.

The President says that he knows the intentions of the Albanians and that demography is not on our side. And a year ago, he pointed out that there was evidence that Albanians plan to buy land and factories in the south, but that Serbia, having complied with the laws, will find a way protect national and state interests.

Public secrets warn Kurir interlocutors that over the past ten years Kosovo Albanians have been buying apartments, houses and land in Vranje, Nis, Leskovac, Kuršumlija, Prokuplje and surrounding villages , where they record their place of residence. other rights – from the identity card to the benefits.

According to unofficial reports, about 11,000 Albanians have moved to Nis. And only in the last three years, 1,500 have bought apartments in this city. The Albanians are now most interested in the surroundings of Vranje, along the border with Bujanovac, as well as in the district of Toplicki. For areas in these places, they are willing to give several times the price as the real one.

photo: Tanjug

– Southern Serbia is under threat, and the Albanians "occupy" it from two directions – from Kuršumlija to Toplice and Prokuplje to Niš, as well as from Bujanovac to Vranje. It is a public secret that the Albanians are currently buying land in Toplica, where the section of the Niš-Merdare motorway is expected to pass. Otherwise, for years Albanians have massively bought houses, apartments, land in the villages and towns of southern Serbia. In this way, as property owners, they easily arrive at a new place of residence, which is actually fictitious because they actually live in Kosovo. However, by applying for residence in Serbia, they legally acquire all other rights – identity card, passport (which is important to them because Serbia is visa-free), education, benefits, care health, registration on the electoral lists – of the faculty in Kosovska Mitrovica, Dusko Celic.

Explains that in these municipalities thousands of fictitiously registered Albanians have incomparably more electors than citizens.
– In this way, the Albanians are preparing for the long term to take charge of the local authorities in these places. At the same time, these Kosovo Albanians, who reside in Serbia, intend to go to hospitals in southern Serbia where they are growing up. In this way, the child is automatically registered in the registers and gets all the rights, even on the child allowance … When they grow up, they have, without any problem, voting rights. It is the continuation of their expansion, their conquest, their occupation in terms of territorial claims.

(E.K. / Photo: Dado Đilas)

I will trace their traces

There is no precise information on the exact number of Kosovo Albanians who have bought property in southern Serbia, because they came up with a plan for the sale.
– Everything is done by law. An Albanian, for example, a Serb to steal to buy a certain property for his own account. For this he gets a percentage of money agreed. After the auction for sale, they conclude a contract that the Albanian borrowed money, and that is exactly the amount paid for the property. As a money back guarantee, newly acquired assets are donated. And as, after a while, a Serb no longer has "money" to repay the loan, the Albanian becomes the owner of the apartment – explains Professor Čelic and adds that real estate agencies and lawyers are often linked to this.


1,616,869 Albanians are at KiM, according to the 2011 census
5,809 Albanians would only be in central Serbia, according to the 2011 census, which they would otherwise boycotted


picture by Kurir


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