On-line Policies – Border Trucks Lose 26 Million Hours Per Year


At a meeting of the ministers of economy of the countries participating in the Berlin process, Sinisa Mali, the Serbian Minister of Finance, said in Vienna that companies in the region were losing 26 million dollars. 39 euros each year. The goal of Serbia is to reduce and eliminate these "barriers", so that, for example, the entire region "works as one". – It is not worth building fast highways, and this year we will finish lanes 10 and 11, if trucks with our goods wait for hours at the border – said Mali, according to a statement from the Ministry of Finance. trade and trade cooperation with the CEFTA countries for Serbia of strategic importance, and Serbia, said, only last year realized the exchange value of 3.9 billion dollars. euros with the countries of the region, including 3.1 billion Serbian exports. – The theme of the discussion was how to reduce all these non-tariff barriers, which prevent the development of trade in our region, because they thus promote the development of infrastructure, job creation, which is the policy of the Government of Serbia , – said Mali


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