One-week protest lawyers for the murder of Ognjanovic


"The murder of the lawyer Miše Ognjanović shows in the most radical way the circumstances in which lawyers in Serbia practice their professional activity, the latter is only the last one. a series of numerous attacks on lawyers ".

The Serbian Bar Association and the Belgrade Bar inform the public that on Monday, July 30 "

" The Law Society of Serbia and the Belgrade Bar Association require as a matter of urgency that all competent authorities of the state be temporarily seized of the case. according to all available capabilities, because it is essential in such cases that the prosecution and the police respond in the early days, "

Lawyer representatives will request urgent meetings with L & # 39; Announcement states that it would send a clear message to anyone who thinks that it can kill a lawyer and go unpunished.

The Law Society of Serbia and the Bar Association Belgrade will announce cash compensation to provide the prosecutor with credible information that will lead to the prosecution of the perpetrator and perpetrator of the murder of Ognjanovic

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