Online News / Free Time / Auto-moto / How to "survive" a crowd on the border?


We have become slaves of vehicles, surrounded by buildings and commercial facilities, the ride in the city has long been a "hell", and when the time comes, it's better not even on the open road . Yu Eco

In July and August, the biggest traffic problem in Serbia is the border crossings. Our country is a transit area for tens of thousands of travelers from Western Europe to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey, and when they join our tourists, the result is only one kilometer columns at more than 30 degrees.

The additional problem is that drivers who are in the crowd waste a lot of time, and there are often small children who are exposed to significant stress that further aggravates the situation.

Emotional damage is difficult to calculate, but material can be expressed in numbers. A study done in the United States several years ago showed that the material damage caused by traffic jams is about 70 billion dollars a year.

To have the good mood and the satisfaction of staying on vacation during the trip, especially when returning home, it is necessary to make the preparations for the trip. First of all, it is best to plan an appropriate route with the help of some sites that will help you choose the route to follow for your return home.

Here you have to be careful that the shortest route does not always mean the fastest and least stressful trip. How much and how are you going to travel, apart from the length in kilometers, also depends on the category and quality of the road, the planned work and the slowing traffic, and how much you expect at the border crossing.

If it is possible, to cross the border, it is important to choose a day of work and the afternoon at border crossings and less congested.

You will find information on the route category and possible work on specialized sites for planning your route, while you can get information on current border bookings by contacting the Automobile Association of Serbia (AMSS).

In the case where the main and busiest border crossings are long, some alternative crossings in the area may also be used.

Given that during the summer season, the situation may change from time to time, drivers returning to Serbia should send SMS to their relatives and friends in the country (who can call the AMSS at number 987 ) the time to inquire about the current state at the border post that they are approaching, in order to redirect to another border crossing if necessary.

This only applies if detention at the border is too long, as when, for example, in Horgos, on entering Serbia, it waits three hours. On the other hand, alternative passes, like Kelebia, are not paid if they stay in Horgos for about half an hour.

How to keep your nerves safe?

"Do to others what you would like others to do for you," a wise advice that every driver should follow.

Its application could reduce some of the most serious traffic problems. On the other hand, if everyone thinks only of himself and what suits him the best, even the best shots can fail.

Drivers and their companions / spasmodels can relieve stress by listening to news or music on the radio, reading a book or print in situations where the border crossing is literally standing for hours.

Do not play with other pilots as this will only make them more angry and cause even more trouble, this can often cause a physical conflict, not only will it solve nothing, but will certainly spoil your holidays.

Patient and tolerant behavior will also affect the best behavior of other road users, which can greatly facilitate waiting in the milestones. Try to stay calm and do not get too close to the aggressive drivers who have them at every step. And here is the key factor of patience.

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