Online News / Free Time / Auto-moto / The new Mercedes "silver arrow" will be powered by electricity


The concept of an electric racing car, inspired by the legendary Mercedes silver arrows of pre-war, will be presented at the Pebl Beach Elegance Competition in August [19659003] Photo: Illustration

A vehicle named "Electric Silver Arrow" a tribute to all "money-strokes", including the Mercedes W125 of 1938 setting a speed record of 432.7 km / h , a result that seems incredible after eight decades.

As we say in Mercedes, "Electric Silver Arrow" will have performances that can be measured with the W125. And the design will be under the influence of this vehicle that had a distinct aerodynamic body.

According to measurements made in a special air tunnel four decades after the record of 1938, the Mercedes W125 had a Cd of only 0.170!

Comparatively, the 2013 supercromechanical and experimental Volkswagen XL1, now considered the road vehicle with the most advanced aerodynamic characteristics, has a Cd of 0.189.

The concept of "Electric Silver Arrow" will look like a sculpture that shows the appearance of a single race with a long hood and an elongated and aerodynamic "tail"

To have performance at the level Silver Arrow 1938, the concept will have a significantly higher power than the SLS AMG E-Cell Electric 2010, which used 4 electric motors (each for a car wheel), a combined total power of 740 hp (552 kW) and a maximum torque of 1000 Nm.

The technical details and photos of Mercedes Electric Silver Arrow will be released at the end of August, on the occasion of this year's Elegance Competition at Pebble Beach, in California.

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