Online Policy – A solution for families of military personnel of the hotel "Bristol"


Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesic, said that the city of Belgrade, in agreement with the state, is seeking a solution for the housing of displaced military families from the former Yugoslavia, who have been living at the Bristol Hotel for over 20 years,

"It will receive new apartments and this is done with the army, because it is a military facility," said Vesic . Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told the Insider a few months ago that the issue of the Bristol hotel was not the competence of the army, that the government would decide the fate of the hotel. The government is the owner of the Bristol Hotel and how it decides that this will be done, "said Vulin.In part of the" Bristol "hotel, which was entrusted to the Ministry of Defense in the Sixties of the last century, dozens of military families were displaced from the territory of the former SFRY

"Beograd na vodi" ". Residents of the Bristol hotel have said that they still have no information on where they will live after "Belgrade on the water" has taken control of "Bristol". (Beta)

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