"Our Marko was gold and he had a wish": parents of students killed by Transica Jovanica in despair | telegraph


"Our Mark was a god whom God did not give to the land, an honest worthy fellow was to return home two days at Nevesinje, then a fate of his destiny. He had only one desire: to graduate. "

There was sadness and mood in this place yesterday. There is hardly anyone who cries for the terrible death of a young man [19459004

– He was only one year old and one motherless day, the youngest of four, and has three older sisters who are no longer in Nevesinje. They brought him grandparents and dad, they worshiped him, kept him like his eyes in his head. He taught her to be honest and not to make mistakes. went to study four years ago because he wanted to have a college degree that ended his late mother.He wanted us all to be proud of him – the tears of the The story of Mark's uncle

The murder of their loved one has left all of them aside How to tell his uncle, Marko was to return to Nevesinje in two days

– We were all happy to see him and most of his grandmother. He, in addition to studying, worked for uncles living in Belgrade Everything that happened to everyone of us was surprised and hit a lot. I can not be smart enough to do something as honest as him.

Killed Radovic Photo: Facebook / Marko Radović

According to him, other members of the Radovic family went to Belgrade to seize the body.

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