Kosovo Foreign Minister Bedet Pacoli thanked President BNV Sulejman Ugljanin for his invitation to address the panel in Novi Pazar.
Source: Beta
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As Pope Benjamin congratulated Bonjako nationally, Pacol "expressed his sorrow against the threat that Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabi sent her to BNV ".
BNV transmitted Pacolli's letter in a letter stating that he was not talking about the "Regional Cooperation and Stability Process in the Balkans" because it was a matter of four hours departure for Novi Pazar.
"This is in contradiction with the agreement signed in Brussels by our two governments for four years on the ardor to write a protest note," said Pacoli.
He also wrote to Ugljanin that he had to "express his gnev" because, following the invitation of the Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabi had called his letter "obese and BNV" while he was in the United States, the first country to recognize independence. Kosovo.
Pacoli announced that he would continue his efforts "for a Balkan and Europe, where there would be no prohibition to cross borders and where the community would not be able to communicate and enter the other side ".
Bonjako summoned the Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Bedoly Pacolli, to go to Novi Pazar, and Belgrade sent a negative response to the visit request.
Brnabi on the occasion of the appeal and the negative response in Belgrade stated that the elected representatives of the BNV should respect the laws of Serbia and, especially, the National Council of National Minorities prohibiting the Council members occupy themselves with politics.
She added that the visit of a "person who calls himself Foreign Minister" of Kosovo "represents" the flagrant and blatant violation of the Serbian law and the abuse of the function and the mandate of national councils of national minorities [1965-90] .fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _ fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http: // connect .filebook.src.loaded = true}}) (); s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); ._fbq window._fbq || = []; window._fbq .push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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