PANIKA IN THE NEW STREET BUILDING: Houses are tonic, expulsion as soon as possible! | Belgrade



July 31, 2018 13:19 |

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Panic in the street Zemun Novogradska: Construction Inspection made the decision to abandon 11 apartments. Children from the preschool "Bee Maya" already transferred to another building

HOUSES in Novogradska to Zemun ton! Last week, the walls collapsed on several buildings of this street, the facade of garbage cans, the parquet floor was raised, two families have already been evicted and the construction inspection determined that the new house will be searched by nine families of the building next

the inhabitants of Novogradska do not know what is the cause of such a sudden "massacre" of their homes, because of which the Maya Maya children's garden of this street was expelled last week. They suspect that last week's work on the water supply network caused this agony.

Reporters "Novosti" yesterday in this part of Zemun found scandalous tenants and a municipal construction inspection that listed the damage. Cracks increase daily and the solution is not visible.

– It's terrible – Aleksandar Banjevic told us. – When the workers "Vodovod" arrived Wednesday to repair the breakdown, everything began to slip. Our first neighbor is expelled, his house is separated from ours and the cracks in his outer wall are so big that the cat can go through. The construction inspection has just told us that we must also move, that housing is not safe. With my father, my wife and my three children in those years, I have to go to the suburbs! When I asked the authorities if I had the right to some sort of needed housing, they said I could go to a migrant shelter. I do not know what I will do!

Land settlement is a problem and Miri Milinković lives in the basement of the building at the corner of Dobanovac and Novogradska. The tiles in the kitchen and bathroom began to separate, and a huge crevice formed on the outside wall from where the mortar fell, so that the brick is visible [19659008] – The holes are multiplying every day. – I woke up a few days ago and saw this crack on the wall. I can not close the door of the pantry and the floor has risen. Before that, I heard some crunches, but I did not pay attention. It's terrible, the inspection told us that we will all have to get out of this building. There are nine families, and the neighbors also have a small baby

From Zemun Municipality, it is said that the construction inspection went out on the ground and prohibited the use of the garden. "Maya Maya" children in Novogradska Street 17.

were transferred to a nearby "Zlatni Bor" preschool in Zlatiborska Street – this was announced by GO Zemun. – Construction Inspection GO Zemun further determined that there were visible cracks in the neighboring buildings of Novogradska Street, from number 15 to number 19. The decision on the record imposed the prohibition of the 39, use of these facilities and search for another accommodation. August in this street of Zemun is not satisfactory. Repairing pipes left behind asphalt on the road and sidewalk, sludge and mud, and the municipality say that due to damage, the truck will no longer be used by buses and buses from the city.


PUC "Remediation works of Belgrade and sanitation" say that since last week they had a repair of the dam on the pipeline in Novogradska Street , and that they cut off water in the preschool "Bee Maya" after its closure. Competent utility company announces new work in this part of Zemun:

– In order to avoid restarting the pipeline, BVK will replace the old pipeline with new ductile pipes.

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