Parents in the United Kingdom are warned of the WhatsApp fraud, in which offer free tickets to the Pepa Prase theme park which is another series of problems that this platform The banknotes were promised in exchange for personal information and the owners of the Ower Towns in Hepshir announced on Twitter, informing users that it is not their action. This is one of the series of fraud on the WhatsApp platform, and the offer of a product in exchange for personal information has become the common pattern . The user is also required to convey the message further and submit it to all his contacts, which greatly increases the number of potential victims.
❗Scam Alert. We have been informed that a message offering 5 free passes to 500 families in Paultons is shared on WhatsApp. Please note that this is not an authentic offer and is not associated with Paultons Park. We recommend that you do not click on the link or share the message. PP
– Paultons Theme Park (@paultonspark) July 20, 2018
They say that they are actively working to prevent such fraud, and users recommend blocking contacts that are not available. they receive such content,
Source: The Telegraph
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