Politika Online – Antidot: Attacks on Vucic by the same model as Djindjic


Analyzing the mechanisms that were demolished by the Đinđić government because of its attempts to implement reforms in Serbia, Antidot found that they were proceeding according to a certain pattern and that identical mechanisms are being applied today. To Vučić's attacks.

The labeling and accusations of Đinđić were perpetrated in nine areas of alteration, such as criminalization, dictatorship and censorship, and then attacks on family members, relatives, Friends and coups, the negation of economic policy and incompetence

Djindjic, accused by AntiDot, is also responsible for controlling and putting pressure on justice, stealing elections and manipulate the electoral system and spread despair, defitism and nihilism, reflected in the campaign "Serbia down". "We were never worse."

"Since April 2014, when Vucic took over the prime minister's office, the matrix of attacks already seen on Zoran Djindjic's government reform efforts began to repeat itself. Vucic became a dictator surrounded by criminals, later in charge of media censorship, control of the judiciary, bad economic policies, the theft of elections, incompetence, criminalization of relatives, friends and relatives. According to the study, the choice of topics was not accidental, but focused on areas where citizens are particularly vulnerable and in which it is easier to discredit and disqualify opponents.

It is also noted that in the attacks on the two reformist governments, Djindjic and Vuciceve, the same socio-political actors are involved, which aims at maintaining the privileges previously acquired and to protect special interests by preventing reforms

[Tableau Antidot] [19659008] "The attacks usually come from the conservative ranks of the SANU and the church, right-wing and anarcho-liberal intelligence units, identical representatives of non-governmental organizations, self-proclaimed media, criminal organizations, war profiteers, honey

The analysis indicates that individuals such as Velimir Ilic, Olja Bećkovic, Teofil Pančić, Amfilohije Radović, Goran Marković , Bože Prelević and Matija Bećković were involved in the defamation of Đinđić and Vučić now. , Dragan Maršićanin, Slaviša Lekić, Marko Jakšić, Nebojša Medojević, Zoran Ivošević, Gordana Suša, as well as media such as Blic, Vreme, BIRN, B92, NIN, Vijesti, Peščanika, Radio Slobodna Evropa, Nacionalna, Kurira … [19659002] As an example of an identical criminal mechanism, Đin Ića and Vučić Antidot cite Velimir Ilic's statement of 5 October 2001 that Zoran Djindjic brought the Mafia to power and Bosko Obradovic from 25 March 2017, in which he says that "Aleksandar Vucic is the leader of the political Mafia in Serbia."

That the same matrix of labeling is indicated by a comparison of the statement of the Democratic Party of Serbia dated 1 February 2003 in which Djindjic is accused of being "tied to the top of organized crime" and the statement of the move. On March 30, 2017, which states that "the state can not be accounted for with the crime, it is the case of Vucic at the head of the crime.

Among other examples, the statements of Goran Markovic, who, for example, in February 2003, said: "I would have liked that if a man could to confront Djindjic and that oligarchy of the autocrat ", and in May 2016 he states:" We are under the influence of Vucic in our own destruction. We are on the fascist movement. "

The analysis of Antidote suggests that the strongest protagonists of criticism of the reformist governments were silently silent in the period from 2004 to 2012, and the majority congratulated the authorities of the time 24 criminal privatizations, the irresponsible policy of Kosovo which culminated in the proclamation of the independence of Kosovo, the fire of the Western embassies, the court's decision that the proclamation of Kosovo was legal, withdrawing this subject

During this period in Serbia, the greatest control over the media was established by the marketing agencies close to the cabinet of the Serbian President Boris Tadic

Research has shown that the examples and the Similarities of the mechanisms are also confirmed by the relativisation of the media, which was exposed in Đindić after the Bagzi affair and attempted assassination at the limes room, which, selo n Antidot, coincided with the relativisation of the case where weapons were found near the family home of Vučić's parents in Jajinci [1965]. 9002] The text indicates an almost identical approximation of the forms of criminalization of the authorities in the cases of the murder of Momir Gavrilović in 2002 and in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanović in January 2018, for which, according to labeling, responsibility was "

" The recent open threat of MKs Slavoj Ristic's deputies to President Vucic only confirms that the mentioned mechanisms are identical and that the mantra "will pass like Djindjic" threatening everyone in Serbia of stop the reforms and roads in Europe. the rule "do not read, Serbia is this," said Antidot. (Tanjug)

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