Politika Online – Lawyer Dragoslav Ognjanovic Killed


Well-known Belgrade lawyer Dragoslav Misa Ognjanovic was shot dead at around 8 pm in New Belgrade tonight when his son was wounded on that occasion, confirmed Dejan Kovacevic, head of the MUP's Criminal Police Department. Serbia. Ognjanovic was killed at the entrance of the building in the street of the anti-fascist fight No. 45, in which he lived. He is known as the lawyer Luke Bojovic, who is currently serving a term of imprisonment in Spain, and was also defended by Djordje Prelic, Partizan supporters and one of the defendants in the Case of the murder of Bris Taton. Ognjanovic was one of his legal advisers during the trial against Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague

"The police are intensively searching for the person who killed the lawyer Dragoslav Ognjanovic and his twenty-six-year-old son injured in Right after the incident was reported on the scene, criminal police inspectors were sent to the police, and other police units were searched, "Kovacevic said in a statement. a statement to the media

he takes all necessary measures and actions to ensure that this matter is resolved as quickly as possible and that the offender is arrested.

lawyer was killed with guns with muffler because none of the witnesses last night they found their face The city has not heard anything.In addition, the early indications indicate that it 's safe. acts of a professional assassination bi

Ognjanovic lived in an apartment on the ground floor of a building where he was killed where he had moved about a month and a half ago. The assailant is supposed to know exactly his movement.

After the crime, the police launched an action "Vihor", which involves blocking the exit of the city and strengthen the control of vehicles and people with the purpose of arresting the author. The place to kill roared the police, what in the uniform of what was in civilian clothes. Yellow bands, which serve to mark the passageway, were extended to three entrances from there.

The murdered lawyer Dragoslav Ognjanovic (Tanjug photo)

The murder of the lawyer Dragoslav Ognjanovic continues as a black series of testimonies in which people are close to Luki Bojovic, d & rsquo; On the one hand, and the members of the clan who are enslaved to them, on the other.

A shocked lawyer

The president of the Serbian Bar, Viktor Gostiljac, told Tanjug that the entire prosecutor's office had been shocked by the killings and that the lawyer had been killed in the clan war which seemed more and more intimidating. Dragoslav Miše Ognjanovic and injured his son, and announced that one day, next week, they will stop working to protest the murder of a colleague. Gostiljac said he would seek an urgent meeting with the justice and police ministers on the issue. The two-chamber chamber in Belgrade, of which member Ognjanovic was a member, believes that "the shooting at Miš Ognjanović is a shooting among all the lawyers" and asks the competent authorities to immediately implement all their available resources and capacities and to train special teams. find. Lawyers, as they point out, should enjoy the same criminal and judicial protection as judges and prosecutors, which has not been the case up to now because many attacks on lawyers have remained free.

Ognjanovic defended Bojovic in multiple murders. Belgrade in 2004, where he was acquitted, and was also the representative of his family killing Lukin's brother, Nikola Bojovic, in 2013, for whom the defendants were Slobodan Saranovic. He told the media that he thought the policy was involved in the prosecution of Bojovic and that the security services had had time to reveal that Saranovic had even put the name of Ognjanovic on the list of killings. revenge because of his brother Branislav in 2009.

The black series was not interrupted even after the murder of Slobodan Saranovic last March in Budva, and even after the liquidation of Jugoslav Cvetanovic, the brother born Sasa Cvetanovic, sentenced to the verdict of first instance. for the murder of Nikola Bojovic. Many were killed in unexplained gunfire, and some were also killed in suspicious traffic accidents in which there was no evidence of charges against anyone.

Luka Bojović spent 18 years in prison in Spain, Slobodan Saranovic was killed. related to the rivalry of their clans and continues. The "successors" of these groups are now called "Scarecrow" and "Caucasian" clan, five years ago, when 300 kilograms of cocaine would have disappeared in Valencia. The remaining members of the clans joined together and took part in the "scarecrow" and "kavachka" clans.

This year again, in Belgrade, there were more killings that could be associated with the conflicts of these two clans. The first one took place on the first day of the year 2018, when Davorin Baltić (41 years old), a senior member of the "Kavan clan", was killed in Vračar. In February, Dalibor Despotovic Davor (37) was killed in front of the exchange office in Zaplanjska Street in Belgrade. An unknown assailant fired more shots at him, after which he moved away from the vehicle in which the accomplice was waiting for him. Despotovic was on the other side of Sinisa Milic who called Boska, who was killed on Autokomanda, and Dragoslav Miloradovic Galeta, who had gone up to Karaburma. Despotovic was working for the security of Slobodan Saranovic

Luka Radulovic, 37, was liquidated in April as one of the victims of this war. He was executed in the "Under the Bridge" brewery in Belgrade, and was considered a lower member of the "Scarlet Clan".

However, this is not the first murder of a lawyer. Recall, two and a half years ago, in Belgrade, the lawyer Vladimir Zrelec, who appeared before the Special Court for Slobodan Saranovic, who was killed last year in Budva, was killed. For the murder of Zrelec after two years of hiding, Vladimir Saranovic was arrested, and recently accused, of the murdered person,

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