Rakitić got off the plane and first painted with Tompson, so he called him King (PHOTO) | telegraph


Croatian footballers arrived in Zagreb and at the airport, Ivan Rakitić was photographed with Mark Perković Tompson.

He celebrated in the War War with rummy songs, no sporting success happened without him, so it was this time

Once upon a time, Marin Čilić celebrated the conquest of US Opena with Tompson, for which he even later stated that he was saying, and is not to be so with Rakitić.


The King has arrived! Only one! We are going to Croatia – Rakitić said posing with Tompson, as many of his friends and former teammates or associates, as our coach Mladen Krstajić, with whom he played in Šalke. , n, t, s)
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