Relations between Serbia and the United States can be as old as 100 years ago


"I sincerely believe that the historical moments that unite our nations, such as those we remember today, are far more important than those who share us, no doubt we must do a lot to return where we are. We were not right at the table, 30 years ago, when our traditional partnership and mutual support were called into question, "said Brnabić

We must keep and nurture the legacy of our common struggle for freedom, and that is the reason why I am very happy and honored According to her, it is also important to promote even more fruitful and prosperous relations between Serbia and the States. Today, today and in the future

As she has noticed, the world today It is not the same as it is a hundred years ago years, but we still face great challenges – the challenges we think dev to meet together, as we did before. "19659002]" I invite all present to remember an ancestor to continue working in the lock As she said, cooperation between the two countries was at its peak there to a century, not only among our leaders, but also among our nations.

The American people and the Serbian diaspora in the United States, led by one of the greatest scientists, Mikhail Pupin, worked together to provide the necessary assistance to Serbia

I can tell you that today, in Serbia, this support and our common struggle for freedom has never been forgotten a .. My message today to all of you here, to the people and to the leaders of the United States, it is that together we can reach the same heights, "said the Prime Minister.

She added those common moments of history, of the First and Second World War.According to her, today is the opportunity to remember a unique event, when, more than a hundred years ago, the Serbian flag invaded the White House , a privilege granted to someone only twice in the history of the United States – Serbia and France.

"With this event of the 2nd July 8, 1918, the day is a tribute to the extreme victims of Serbia during the Great War. It was a time when generous America, led by President Woodrow Vinson, Vice President Tomas Marshal and Secretary of State Robert Lensing, expressed his support and sympathy to the Serbian people because our ancestors fiercely opposed the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Serbia, "said the Prime Minister.

Serbia grateful for the support and empathy

As she said, Serbia defended the common values of Freedom

According to the Prime Minister, Serbia is grateful for the support and empathy shown by brave American leaders over a hundred years ago.

She recalled that Serbia was in the Great War, from 1914 to 1918 More than a quarter of the population lost more than a quarter of the population, and the entire military, the government and a significant portion of the population have were forced to leave the homeland in 1915 to take refuge in the Greek island of Corfu, mountain during the winter, proving that he will sacrifice everything for freedom and independence ", said Brenab

"They defended these fundamental rights with weapons, reluctance and harsh words that It has been read and heard in the world, "said Brnabic, adding that the Serbian diplomat Milenko Vesnic did not have the opportunity and the Senate and the House of Representatives in Washington in 1918, the same day President Wilson presented his world peace program.

Vesnić further stated that the Serbs believed in peace, but also in justice and freedom

"A little has changed since then – the Serbian people still believe in peace, justice and freedom, as We once again proved, during the Second World War, that we were fighting alongside those, including the United States, who believe in life, not in death, in freedom, not in destruction, in equal and not supremacy 19659002] For all its gratitude, Serbia today, grateful to its allies and partners, stands tall and proud of has always fought and defeated in the course of history to protect the values ​​that are today the basis of the modern world

Brnabić took the opportunity to congratulate Ted Pou on his tireless work and contribution to promoting friendship between the two countries. ] "Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic m & # 39; authorized to present you this decoration, which symbolizes the gratitude of Serbia and our people for all that you have done to strengthen our relations. Kogresmene Po, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a friendly friendship between the United States and Serbia, "said Brnabic. [ad_2]
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