
TESS began mission on July 25
So lethal TESS formally launched its mission on July 25, which means that she started shooting stars with Using his four cameras After analyzing the photographs thus obtained, he noticed a planet that revolves around some of them. His first analysis is expected to be sent to Earth in August, and he will be sending out information regularly over the next two years.
SpaceX Falcon 9 was launched by TESS on April 18 in a super elliptical Earth orbit that, as experts say, is a perfect research spot for planets outside the solar system. TESS will pay particular attention to the planets that may exist around the stars closest to our solar system, which are within a few tens or hundreds of light years away. The search for new planets will be based on the analysis of light that stars broadcast. If a planet revolves around the star, it sometimes absorbs its light, giving the impression that it flickers.
A tour of the country made by TESS lasts 13.7 days. Letelica goes to the distance at which Mesec is located, and it's a path that is considered stable, which will allow the duration of the mission up to two years.
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