Republic / (VIDEO) Doro phones for the elderly


Technological progress from generation to generation has increased in intensity but also in speed of acceptance. If you missed a few years, you'll be surprised to see what devices are used, whether it's TVs, watts, vacuums, phones, computers or high Speakers. You can easily lose options, opportunities, complicated reporting processes (those who follow things may not be so complicated, but others – of course).

If we add that it is often elderly people who have certain needs, as well as some sense problems, sickness, poor vision or touch, we get a lot a large number of potential users of specially designed devices. We must admit that it is surprising to us that no one has appeared in this direction, but not so far. And especially in Serbia, which in the coming years will have an older population, on average.

There is a Doro company on the scene. It is a company specializing in products for older citizens. Honestly, we like to show that there is someone to think of this population, because we often encounter problems of older citizens – what to buy and why no one makes products specially designed for them? Doro is specialized in the segment of devices designed for the elderly, and we received three of their phones to test. Let's see what they stand out for.

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