Rikardo Gomeš has a message for "graves"


Get to know Rikard Gomez, striker Kejp Verda who won first prize in the official derby of the Partizan team on Thursday.

Source: B92, official website

  Photo: StarSport

Photo: StarSport

The man who settles in Partizan since the Portuguese Nasionale makes his first impression on the official website of Partizan.

"I am confused because it is my first goal in the official match for Partizan, which we know of great importance for everyone, and I also hope that it will be a good thing. is the announcement of my good future. " Gomeš.

You have been in Belgrade for more than a month if we do not have a preparation period. How do you like the city?

  Photo: StarSport

Photo: StarSport

"I did not have time to walk around town a lot because of the small schedule, but I've already done some research on she loves, but I'm waiting for a family to come and we'll go on a tour together ".

You have been friends with Djordje Ivanovic. What are you talking about in this language?

"Đole is a wonderful guy, I call him Hulk as a character in a movie because he is very strong, we speak in English, we do not speak it very well, but we understand it very well I do not understand Serbian, Đole do not know

  Photo: StarSport

Photo: StarSport

The striker Leandro Tavamba left the club and went to Saudi Arabia. probably heard that the fans also made a song during their stay at Partizan.

"Everyone is obliged to do so, and the support of the audience comes in thanks for working on the ground, that is why I am even more motivated to give the best of myself. "

Photo: StarSport “/>

Photo: StarSport

" We have just spent a long time in Slovenia, now in Niksic, and we follow a strict diet. tasting ".

You had a minor injury in Slovenia and then you said you were doing very hard at Partizan?

"Every country has its own system of work, and at Partizan it has been studied and done a lot in physical education." The work system is different from Portugal, but I do not imply any problem. "

<img src =" http://www.b92.net/news/pics/2018/07/14/8579336075b4a04caac459739117941_w640.JPG "width =" 640 "height =" 426 "hspace =" 0 "vspace = "0" border = "1" align = "center" alt = "19659006] Photo: StarSport

The family is still not with you?

Photo: StarSport “/>

Photo: StarSport



"Come in for a few days and your wife is particularly happy to live in Belgrade" J & # "We hope that we will always be able to help and be a twelfth player on the pitch, because with their energy we can achieve everything we want, and I personally, as a" ". attacker, we will give the maximum ", was concluded by Gomeš [script”);fbdsasync=true;fbdssrc=”http://connectfacebooknet/fr_FR/fbdsjs”;vars=documentgetElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode .insertBefore (FBD, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq window._fbq | | = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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