Belgrade – KUD "Branko Cvetkovi" organized a concert under the slogan "Igram za pravdu" in front of the premises where they were evacuated after 73 years.
Source: Beta
The members of KUD, saddles and brothers and their colleagues of other amateur societies from all over Serbia played in the street after leaving the places in which they were from 1945, because of which he was briefly blocked traffic to Milo Pocerca and Sarajevo.
They joined forces to highlight the Vietnamese effort and work to preserve the Serbian tradition, but also to "irregularities committed to them", according to the appeal.
Bojan Isoski, a court reporter, blocked the Belgrade area, used by KUD "Branko Cvetkovi" at the request of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia, explaining that they do not pay not for public services.
The Secretary of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia (SSSS) Zoran Mihajlov told the Beta agency that the space of the street Milo Pocerca 10, used by KUD "Branko Cvetkovi" , had the drama that had given them to these unions.
President Branko Cvetkovi, Jovan ijaki, said that he was not tempted to pay for utility bills.
"Let's mention a raun that we did not pay," said ijaki.
He added that KUD is over 70 years old and is currently one of the top three ensembles in Serbia. ; [19659016] (function () {var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _ Fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; globalTracker._setAllowLinker (FBD, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq window._fbq || = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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